was the first to do homage to her. Tell me now, wise princess, if the sweet dove believes her faithful kite worthy of her love, as she ardently desires.”
Libussa did as before; she made the knight also withdraw. After a short while she called in both competitors, and thus spoke to them: “I am much obliged to you, noble knights, that you have both assisted me to obtain the Bohemian crown, which my father wore before me with glory; nor have I forgotten your zeal, which you just now have brought to my recollection; nor am I ignorant that you both love me, for your looks and manners were long ago the interpreters of your sentiments. That on my part, however, I have not responded to your love, do not consider as prudery; neither was it meant as insult or humiliation, but it was the difficulty of a dubious choice. I weighed your merits, and the balance was on a level. Therefore I decided upon leaving the decision to yourselves, and offered you the possession of my heart in the enigmatical apple, in order to see which of you had the larger share of sense and wisdom, to appropriate to himself the indivisible gift. Tell me then at once, in whose possession the apple is? He that has taken it from the other may from this hour take possession of my hand and my throne.”