Page:Libussa, Duchess of Bohemia; also, The Man Without a Name.djvu/85

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bouring power, and become an integral part of another empire. The three branches of the growing stick announce to your princess three sons; two of whom will die before their maturity, but the third will inherit the throne, and through him a numerous posterity is promised, till the eagle shall come flying over the mountains, and go and come again as to his own home.[24] When then the son of the god shall appear who is the friend of the ploughman, and deliver him from the chains of serfdom, posterity will bless its destiny. For when he shall have destroyed the dragon of superstition, he will extend his arm towards the distant moon, to tear it from the clouds to enlighten the world, a beneficent star.

The honourable deputation stood in silent admiration, and stared at the prophetic man as upon a strange idol. They felt as if a god had spoken to them. He, however, turned away from the deputies to the companions of his toil, the two white bulls; which he unharnessed, dismissed henceforth from their task, and gave them their liberty; whereupon they sprang joyfully about in the grassy meadow, but soon began sensibly to waste away, till, melting into a light mist, they disappeared from the sight.

Primislas, after this, put away his wooden