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time Avas passed in Holland and Germany, where lie was educated at the expense of the Dutch fTovernment. The rest of the time he employed in travellino; through France, Switzerland, the Tvrol, Siv. His, however, Avas an exceptional case, the reason of which I do not think it necessaiy to mention.

At our request he took us to his studio, a short distance from the house, which we reached by a walk covered with trellis-work, thickly entwined with creepers. Like the sandnm sdncfonim of all artists, tlio room was filled with models, busts, frameless and unfinished pictures, together with other appurtenances coimected with the fine arts. AmoiiLfst this confused mass two large subjects, i-f(|uitiiii: onlv a few last touclies to finish tlicm, chiiuKHl our especial attention. One was a land- sc;ij)e taken in the province of Kadoe, inchidiiig J view (if the Murh;il)ro and Mara))i. The grey -moke I'isinir frt;ni the v(jlcano was elear and distinct V([.. [I. I

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