Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/112

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And the Priest maketh the dismissal thus:

Christ, our true God, (if it be the Lord's day, who arose from the dead,) at the prayers of His spotless Mother, of our holy Father, John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, (but if the Liturgy of Basil the Great be celebrated, he saith, of Basil the Great, of Cæsarea, in Cappadocia,) and of all Saints, have mercy upon us, and save us, as Thou art good and the lover of men.

The Deacon. Amen.

And after the dismissal, the Deacon censeth the holy Prothesis; then he goeth and censeth the holy Table all round cross wise, saying to himself,

In the tomb bodily; in Hades with Thy soul as God; in Paradise with the thief, still wert Thou on the throne, O Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, filling all things, uncircumscript.

Then he saith Psalm 50, during which, after having censed the sanctuary and the