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istration of the country of destination can levy an additional charge up to the amount of the fee fixed for express delivery in its inland service, less the fixed charge paid by the sender, or its equivalent in the money of the country which levies this additional charge.

The additional charge provided for above is recoverable in case of redirection or non-delivery, and is retained by the Administration which has raised it.

4. "Express" articles upon which the total amount of the charges payable in advance has not been prepaid are delivered by the ordinary means, unless they have been treated as expressed by the Office of origin.

Article 14

Reforwarding; undelivered articles

1. No additional postage is charged for the reforwarding of postal articles within the Union.

2. Undelivered articles do not, when returned, give rise to the restitution of the transit charges due to intermediate Administrations for the previous conveyance of such correspondence.

3. Unpaid letters and post cards and insufficiently paid articles of every description, which are returned to the country of origin as redirected or as undeliverable, are liable, at the expense of the addressees or senders, to the same rates as similar articles addressed directly from the country of the first destination to the country of origin.

Article 15

Mails exchanged with warships

1. Closed mails may be exchanged between the Post Offices of any one of the contracting countries and the commanding officers of naval divisions or ships of war of the same country stationed abroad, or between the commanding officer of one of those naval divisions or ships of war and the commanding Officer of another division or ship of the same country, through the medium of the sea or land services maintained by other countries.

2. Articles of every description enclosed in these mails must consist exclusively of such as are addressed to or sent by the officers and crews of the ships to or from which the mails are forwarded; the rates and conditions of despatch applicable to them are determined, according to its internal regulations, by the Postal Administration of the country to which the ships belong.

3. In the absence of any arrangement to the contrary between the Offices concerned, the Post Office which despatches or receives the mails in question is accountable to the intermediate offices for transit charges calculated in accordance with the stipulations of Article 4.