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1890 July 2 Slave trade and importation into Africa of firearms, ammunition, and spirituous liquors (General Act of Brussels) 134
July 5 International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs 172
1891 April 15 Protection of industrial property 183
June 13 Claims against Portugal regarding the Lourenço Marques Railroad concession 185
1897 July 4 Universal Postal Union 188
1899 June 15 Universal Postal Union 206
June 8 Liquor traffic in Africa: duties 226
July 29 Pacific settlement of international disputes (Hague, I) 230
July 29 Laws and customs of war on land (Hague, II) 247
July 29 Adaptation to maritime warfare of principles of Geneva convention of 1864 (Hague, III) 263
July 29 Prohibiting launching of projectiles and explosives from balloons (Hague, IV, 1) 270
November 7 Settlement of claims in Samoa 273
December 2 Adjustment of jurisdiction in Samoa 276
1899—1900 September 6, 1899—March 20, 1900 Commercial rights in China ("open door" policy) 278
1900 December 14 Protection of industrial property 296
1901 September 7 Settlement of matters growing out of the Boxer uprising (Boxer Protocol) 302
1902 January 15 Pacific settlement of international disputes (inter-American) 331
January 27 Exchange of publications (inter-American) 335
January 27 Literary and artistic copyright (inter-American) 339
January 29 Pan American Union 344
January 30 Arbitration of pecuniary claims (inter-American) 347
1903 May 7 Claims against Venezuela 351
December 3 International sanitary convention 359