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The Right Honorable Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., Member of the Privy Council;

Sir William Stevenson Meyer, K.C.I.E., Chief Secretary of the Government of Madras;

Mr. William Grenfell Max Miller, C.B., M.V.O., His Counsellor of Embassy;

Sir William Job Collins, M.D., Deputy Lieutenant of the County of London.

His Majesty the King of Italy:

His Excellency Count J. Sallier de la Tour, Duke of Calvello, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Hague.

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan:

His Excellency Mr. Aimaro Sato, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague;

Dr. Tomoe Takagi, Engineer of the General Government of Formosa;

Dr. Kotaro Nishizaki, Technical Specialist attached to the Laboratory of Hygienic Service.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands:

Mr. J. T. Cremer, Her Former Minister of the Colonies, President of the Dutch Commercial Company;

Mr. C. Th. van Deventer, Member of the First Chamber of the States General;

Mr. A. A. de Jongh, Former Inspector General and Chief of the Opium Régie Service in the Dutch Indies;

Mr. J. G. Scheurer, Member of the Second Chamber of the States General;

Mr. W. G. van Wettum, Inspector of the Opium Régie in the Dutch Indies.

His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia:

Mirza Mahmoud Khan, Secretary of the Persian Legation at The Hague.

The President of the Portuguese Republic:

His Excellency Mr. Antonio Maria Bartholomeu Ferreira, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at The Hague.

His Majesty the King of All the Russias:

His Excellency Mr. Alexandre Savinsky, His Master of Ceremonies, His present Counsellor of State, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Stockholm.

His Majesty the King of Siam:

His Excellency Phya Akharaj Varadhara, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at London, The Hague and Brussels;

Mr. Wm. J. Archer, C.M.G., His Counsellor of Legation,

Who after having deposited their full powers which have been found to be in good and due form are agreed to that which follows: