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Pekin. The Contracting Powers having treaties with China shall examine these laws, and, if they find them acceptable, shall take the necessary measures to the end that they be applied to their nationals residing in China.

Article 17

The Contracting Powers having treaties with China shall undertake to adopt the measures necessary for the restraint and control of the opium-smoking habit in their leased territories, "settlements" and concessions in China, for the suppression pari passu with the Chinese Government of the opium divans or similar establishments which may still exist there, and for the prohibition of the use of opium in houses of amusement and of prostitution.

Article 18

The Contracting Powers having treaties with China shall take effective measures for the gradual reduction, pari passu with the effective measures which the Chinese Government shall take to the same end, of the number of shops, intended for the sale of raw and prepared opium, which may still exist in their leased territories, settlements and concessions in China. They shall adopt efficacious measures for the restraint and control of the retail trade in opium in the leased territories, settlements and concessions, unless existing measures have already regulated the matter.

Article 19

The Contracting Powers who have post-offices in China shall adopt efficacious measures to prohibit the illegal importation into China, in the guise of a postal package, as well as the illegal transmission from one locality to another in China through the intermediary of these post-offices, of opium, whether raw or prepared, of morphine and of cocaine and their respective salts, and of other substances indicated in article 14 of the present Convention.

Chapter V

Article 20

The Contracting Powers shall examine into the possibility of enacting laws or regulations making the illegal possession of raw opium, prepared opium, morphine, cocaine and their respective salts liable to penalties, unless existing laws or regulations have already regulated the matter.

Article 21

The Contracting Powers shall communicate to each other, through the Netherlands Ministry for Foreign Affairs:

  • a. the text of the laws and the administrative regulations in existence which concern matters aimed at by the present convention or enacted by virtue of its clauses;