Page:Locomotive mechanism and engineering (1896, John Wiley & Sons).djvu/460

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Thurston’s Iron and Steel.8vo, $3 50 “ Alloys.8vo, 2 50 Troilius’s Chemistry of Iron..8vo, 2 00 Kunhardt’s Ore Dressing iu Europe.8vo, 1 50 Weyrauch's Strength of Iron and Steel. (Du Bois.).8vo, 150 Beardslee and Kent’s Strength of Wrought Iron.8vo, 1 50 Compton’s First Lessons in Metal Working.12mo, 1 50 West’s American Foundry Practice.l2mo, 2 50 “ Moulder’s Text-book.12mo, 2 50 MINERALOGY AND MINING. — Mine Accidents—Ventilation—Ore Dressing, Etc. Dana’s Descriptive Mineralogy. (E. S.).8vo, half morocco, 12 50 “ Mineralogy and Petrography. (J. D.).12mo, 2 00 “ Text-book of Mineralogy. (E. S.).8vo, 3 50 “ Minerals and How to Study Them. (E. S.).12mo, 1 50 “ American Localities of Minerals.8vo, 1 00 Brush and Dana’s Determinative Mineralogy.8vo, 3 50 Rosenbusch’s Microscopical Physiography of Minerals and Rocks. (Iddings.).8vo, 5 00 Hussak’s Rock-forming Minerals. (Smith.).8vo, 2 00 Williams’s Lithology.8vo, 3 00 Chester’s Catalogue of Minerals.8vo, 1 25 “ Dictionary of the Names of Minerals.8vo, 3 00 Egleston’s Catalogue of Minerals and Synonyms.8vo, 2 50 Goodyear’s Coal Mines of the Western Coast.12mo, 2 50 Kunhardt’s Ore Dressing in Europe.8vo, 1 50 Sawyer’s Accidents iu Mines.8vo, 7 00 Wilson’s Mine Ventilation.16mo, 1 25 Boyd’s Resources of South Western Virginia.8vo, 3 00 “ Map of South Western Virginia.Pocket-book form, 2 00 Stockbridge’s Rocks and Soils.8vo, 2 50 Eissler’s Explosives—Nitroglycerine and Dynamite.8vo, 4 00 13