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Logic Taught by Love

the Messiah, or will be tolerated by the leaders of living Science.

The vicious habit of trying to make God in the likeness of phenomena, instead of remembering that the human mind was created in the likeness of God in order that it might compare and organize and thus master phenomena, has led to this among other grotesque and. horrible results:—That because we happen to live in a planetary system, in which only one focal luminary has succeeded in struggling out of the condition of nebulous potentiality into that of coherent fact, men have jumped to the conclusion that this abortive condition of our own home is a law for the whole possible range of Being. Jews in old times, instead of faithfully proclaiming the doctrine of Invisible Unity, with all its logical consequences, invented the idea that all Israël, and indeed all Humanity, is to be ruled by one Messiah! and Christians, following suit, have improved on the absurdity of their former teachers, by desiring to extend the dominion of their Messiah to the whole Universe, and make of him the equivalent of God Almighty! Mathematicians, however, who are beginning to spend much of their thought-life in solar systems more complete than our own, the source of whose force is a polar-relation between more than one sun, are beginning to find that the belief in a phenomenal Almighty is out of line with the most elementary properties of matter and of force, with the first principles of Logic and of Hygiene. The whole idea of sacred phenomena is revolting to the fine mathematical instinct. Love is sacred; and whoever can make himself loved is legitimately sacred to those who love him. Not any