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of the htetPeftilence.' 1 1 5 a Carbuncle is nothing elfe but an a&ual Gan- grene } for if any Credit may be given to our Experience, which we look upon to be as well founded as that of this great Man, I do not remember any Carbuncles (unlefs where there hath fome manifefb Error been com- mitted in external Applications, or the Viru- lence of the Peftilence hath been greater than ordinary) to have tended more to a Sphacelus, than any other Confequences of the peftilen- tiai Poiibn. AND were there not innumerable Tefti- monies to the Truth of this, many Argu- ments might be alledged in its Vindication ; for while there is a free Influx of vital Spi- rits, and other natural Fluids, into the Part affected ^ while the native Heat is preserved from Suffocation, and Putrefaction is preven- ted, what Perfon can imagine there to be any particular Difpoiition to Mortification in a Angle Carhuncle ? And the more efpecially when the Spirits are fo far from being inter- cepted by the Carbuncle* s Eruption, that they flow more plentifully to the Part -, when the native Heat is fo far from being fuffocated, that by its Ailiftance a iaiutary Separation is made - and laftly, when the Part arretted is fo far from Putrefaction, and rendered more humid