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of the blague in 1665, &c. 1 3 of the meaner! Perfons ! For certainly nothing is more abhorrent to Reafon, thai? to impofe a univerfal Remedy, in Cafes whole curative Intentions are different, and fometimes oppofite j and the various Indications of a Peftilence require very different Methods of Remedy, as ihall here- after be further demonftrated. TO this may be added, that many common Medicines were publickly Sold, which, by their extraordinary Heat and Difpofition to inflame the Blood, could never be fit for every Age, Sex, and Con- stitution indifferently, and therefore in many Cafes they undoubtedly did Harm. On this Account, not only the Sacred Art 7 but the Publick Health alfo fufferedj yet we who were particularly employed in this Affair as Phyficians, ufed all Solici- tations with the Magiftracy to reftrain fuch Practices, in Order to flop the Ruin they aggravated. Hence notwithftanding it was made a Queftion, whether in a Plague, where fo many Phyficians retire, ( not fb much for their own Prefervation, as the Service of thofe whom they at- tend ) it is not expedient for every one, according to his Abilities, to do his ut- C 4 moft