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330–338; Mr. Hankey's observations, 161; criticism of, 163; strength and weakness of directors, 166, 167; their mistakes, 170, 171; improvement since 1857, 171; rate raised by steps of 1 per cent., 173; chronic faults of policy, 176; one-third reserve not adequate, 178; Clearing House system, 183, 184; attitude in time of panic, 179–186; rules for advances, 187; policy of inconsistency, 189; successful action in large and small advances, 192; "Banking security," 195; Discount Office, 195; importance of amount of advance, 196. Chapter VIII., Government of the Bank of England, 198–229; election of directors, 198; young men chosen, 199; elder members on committee of Treasury, 201, 228; no banker a director, 202; character of directors, 204; no fixed executive, 205; duties of Governor and Deputy-Governor, 206; constitution of, 207, 229; question of permanent Governor, 210-218; of Deputy-Governor, 219-224; suggested reforms, 225-229; Sir George Lewis and directors of, 240; rivalry of bill brokers, 280; rule of 1858, 281. Chapter XII., Principles to Regulate the Amount of Reserve, 284–309; nature of liabilities and deposits, 285; Government account, 286; Budget account, 287; public deposits, 287; analysis of return, 289; bankers' deposits, 289; utmost caution required, 290; transactions of the German Government, 291–295; withdrawal of foreign deposits, 295–297; opinions as to lending bankers' balances, 297; changes involving change of rules, 300; object of publishing account, 302; "apprehension minimum," 303; time required for operation, 306; estimates for minimum reserve, 307-309; faulty system, 310; proposals to amend single-reserve system, 310–315; cash reserves (Appendix I.), 317; meeting of proprietors, 1866 (Economist), 330

  • Bank of France, 33, 68, 69, 83, 86, 170, 175, 217, 299, 318
    of Genoa, 79
    of Germany, Imperial, 84, 318, 339
    of Hamburg, 79
    London and Westminster, 39, 40, 58, 97, 101, 154, 226, 278
    of Russia, 33
    Savings, 288, 311
    of Scotland, 82
    Swiss, 86
  • Banks, joint stock, 19, 66, 205. Chapter IX., 230–251; capital as guarantee, 230; profits and dividends, 232, 233; facts and fears, 237; success contrary to expectation, 238; government, 241; responsibility of managers, 246; errors of, 247; working committee of directors, 247; importance of clearly known government, 250; balances of German Government with, 292–295
    private, 21. Chapter X., 252–264; character of, 252, 253; continuance doubtful, 254; reasons, 254; competition against, 255; privileged opportunities, 256, 257; case of Overend, Gurney & Co., 258–260; new business, 261; organisation, 263
    of United States, 318
  • Baring Brothers, 18
  • Bill brokers, 12, 21,29, 32, 59, 60,61, 148; Messrs. Rothschild, 203; reserves of joint stock banks 240. Chapter XI., 265–283; as intermediaries, 265; mercantile tradition of the "standing of parties," 267; bills of