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To these equations we add the transformation formula for , which may be derived from (28)[1]


§ 9. We shall now consider the 6 quantities (27) which we shall especially call "the quantities " and the corresponding quantities , viz. .

According to (30) these latter are homogeneous and linear functions of the former and as (because of (5)) the coefficient of in is equal to the coefficient of in , there exists a homogeneous quadratic function of , which, when differentiated with respect to these quantities, gives . Therefore




If, as in (34), we have to consider derivatives of , this quantity will be regarded as a quadratic function of the quantities .

The quantity can now play the same part as the quantity that is represented by the same letter in §§ 4 — 6. Again is invariant when the coordinates are changed.[2]


    we have

    The last two steps of this transformation, which rest on and , will need no further explanation. In a similar way we may proceed (comp. the following notes) in many other cases, using also the relations and (the latter for ), which are similar to (α) and (β).

  1. If we start from the equation for that corresponds to (29) and if we use (7) and (28), attending to , we find

    This may be transformed in two steps (comp. the preceding note) to

    In this way we may proceed further, after first expressing as a function of by means of (32).

  2. Instead of (35) we may write and now we have according to (28) and (33)