Page:Luckidad's garland, or, When my old hat was new (2).pdf/5

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And when the time of harveſt came,
that we went out to ſhear,
Sometimes we were fu' hearty made,
with brandy ale and beer,
And when the corn was all led in,
and built into a mow,
The ſhearers got a ranting kirn,
when my old hat was new.

But inſtead of a hot ſupper,
we uſed to get before.
They give to us our portion,
like beggars at the door;
Unto their houſe we may go in,
tho' we were ne'er ſo fu',
Where we us'd to drink before 'twas now,
when my old hat was new.

Every one their ſupper got,
according to their mind,
And all the night we kis'd and danc'd,
and O but they were kind
The hindmoſt oft was foremoſt then,
ſo danc'd this jovial crew.
This was good ſport and merriment,
when my old hat was new.

And when we to the church did go,
to hear the goſpel preach'd.
Our miniſters with ſermons fine,
their hearers they did teach;
But now they loath that honey comb,
their ſtomachs are ſo low.