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Joachym. Dowtere, the ffadere of oure feyth the mot defende, As he of his myght made alle thynge of nowth. Anne. Mary, to the sowle solas he sende, In whos wysdam alle this werd was wrought! Go we now hens, husbonde so hende, For owth of care now are we brought.

Hic Joachim et Anna recedent domum.

Maria. Be the Holy Gost at hom be ȝe brought, Systeres (ad virgines) ȝe may go do what ȝe xalle, To serve God fyrst here is al my thought, Beforn this holy awtere on my knes I falle! Lord, sefne petycions I beseche ȝow of here, ffyrst that I may kepe thi love and thi lawe; The secunde to lovyn myn evyn Crystyn as myself dere; The thrydde from alle that thou hatyst me to withdrawe; The fourte alle vertuys to thi plesauns knawe; The fyfte to obey the ordenaryes of the temple echeon; The sexte, and that alle pepyl may serve the with awe, That in this holy tempyl fawte be non. The sefnte, Lord, I haske with grett ffere, That I may se onys in my lyve, That lady that xal Goddys sone bere, That I may serve here with my wyttes fyve. If it plese ȝow, and ellys it is not therwith to stryve, With prayers prostrat ffor these gracys I wepe: O, my God! devocion depe in me dryve, That my hert may wake in the, thow my body slepe.

Here the aungel bryngyth manna in a cowpe of gold lyke to confeccions, the hefne syngynye, the aungel seyth,

Merveyle not, mekest maydone, of my mynystracion,
  I am a good aungel sent of God alle-myght,
With aungelys mete ffor ȝour sustentacion,
  ȝe to receyve it ffor natural myght;