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Have hym forth with gret dyspyte,
  And to his wordys take ȝe non hede.

Here the Jewys lede Cryst oute of the place with gret cry and noyse, some drawyng Cryst forward and some bakward, and so ledyng forth with here weponys alofte, and lytys brennyng. And in the mene tyme Marye Magdalene xal rennyn to oure Lady, and telle here of oure Lordys takyng, thus seyng,

Maria Magdelene. O, inmaculate modyr, of alle women most meke!
  O devowtest, in holy medytacyon evyr abydyng!
The cawse, Lady, that I to ȝour person seke,
  Is to wetyn yf ȝe heryn ony tydyng
Of ȝour swete sone, and my reverent Lord Jhesu,
  That was ȝour dayly solas, — ȝour gostly consolacyon!
Mary. I wold ȝe xuld telle me, Mawdelyn, and ȝe knew,
  ffor to here of hym it is alle myn affeccyon.

Maria Magdelene. I wold fayn telle, Lady, and I myth for wepyng,
  For sothe, Lady, to the Jewys he is solde;
With cordys thei have hym bownde and have hym in kepyng,
  The hym bety spetously, and have hym fast in holde.
Maria Virgo. A! A! A! how myn hert is colde!
  A! hert hard as ston, how mayst thou lest?
Whan these sorweful tydyngys are the told,
  So wold to God, hert, that thou mytyst brest.

A! Jhesu! Jhesu! Jhesu! Jhesu!
  Why xuld ȝe sofere this trybulacyon and advercyté?
How may thei fynd in here hertys ȝow to pursewe,
  That nevyr trespacyd in no maner degré?
For nevyr thyng but that was good thowth ȝe,
  Wherfore than xuld ȝe sofer this gret peyn?
I suppoce veryly it is for the tresspace of me,
  And I wyst that myn hert xuld cleve on tweyn.