Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/138

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that of Dr. Auer* as it deserved, not for the purpose of l^lorifying you, but of giving an example of such fidelity to others. Moreover, the Lord Jesus, who made you think of, ivill and do such things, will recognize and approve his own ivorks in you. Truly pure faith and sincere friendship is a rare

Recently the lord legate wrote* our elector accusing me of caving by fraud, and complaining that I had armed myself vith a safe-conduct and had appealed. He condemns every- hing I did, especially that I did not recant my cursed propo- litions, particularly those on indulgences, and blaming me [or not sparing the Pope's Holiness, in saying that he abused the Scripture. Finally he advises the elector to send me to Rome, or to banish me, lest he should stain his glory for the sake of "one little brother." Thus also did the Jews act against Christ before Pilate, wishing him to believe them before they brought forward definite charges. Thus does Cajetan shout: "May your most illustrious lordship be- lieve me; I speak from certain knowledge, not from mere opinion. I will preserve the rule of Jesus Christ, which I know is being violated thus, for Luther seeks nothing but to violate the truth." That golden rose which rumor said was being sent to the elector is nowhere, nor has the elector heard anything of it. I see that the Romans are determined to condemn me. I, on the other hand, am determined not to yield. So I await their censures. The Lord will be my counsellor and helper. If they kill me they will cease pur- suing a dead flea." I answered the letter of the lord legate of which the elector sent me a copy, and I desired him to enclose my answer in his reply to the legate. My Acta Au- gustana* is now being edited, for the elector dissuaded me from publishing it before. You will learn the rest from the recently promoted Father Prior John Frosch. You will rec- ognize the signs agreed upon.' I hope my faithful protector,

'John Aver, an Augsburg Councillor, who helped Luther draw up his Appeal.

  • HiB letter, October 25, 15 18, Enders, i. 268. The elector sent it to Luther,

who drew up a reply on November 19, 151 8, Enders, i. 283, which the elector ■cnt to Cajetan with a note of his own, December 8, 1518, Enders, i. 310.

IC/. I Samuel xxW. 14.

^Tbe account of the doings at Au^'^burg, Weimar, ii. 6ff.

^Siifna fupersunt cognoscenda. An obscure sentence, apparently referring to

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