Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/26

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E. L. Enders: Dr, Martin Luther's Briefwechsel (Frankfurt am Main. 1884- ) i. 1. Erfurt, April 22, 1507.

Martin Luther was born at Eisleben, November 10, 1483. Soon afterwards his father moved to Mansfeld. 1497–8 Martin attended the school of the Brethren of the Common Life at Magdeburg. 1498–1501 he attended the school of St George at Eisenach. 1501–5 he was at the university of Erfurt. July 17, 1505, he entered the monastery of the Angustinian Hermits at Erfurt. See Preserved Smith: Life and Letters of Martin Luther (Boston, 1911), chap. i. and ii.

Of John Braun nothing is known, except that he was priest of the Church of the Virgin at Eisenach, and that he was still living in 1516. Enders, i. 48. Luther had made his acquaintance during the years at Eisenach.

Greeting in Christ Jesus our Lord. I should fear, most gentle friend, to trouble your kindness by an importunate letter, did I not consider your heartfelt affection for me proved by the many benefits you have conferred upon me. Wherefore, relying on our mutual friendship, I do not hesitate to send this letter, which I am sure will find you attentive and affable.

God, glorious and holy in all his works, has deigned to exalt me, wretched and unworthy sinner, and to call me into his sublime ministry, only for his mercy's sake. I ought to be thankful for the glory of such divine goodness (as much as dust may be) and to fulfil the duty laid upon me.

  1. Enders begins the letter with the word "Jhesus," which, according to Hoppe, is not found in the earlier editions. Dr. Martin Luther's Sämmtliche Schriften. . . . Band XXI. Die Briefe (St Louis, 1903). p. i.