Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/296

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hundred gulden would suffice, as I had already heard several times from Adrian himself. Please tell us what you think or hope in the matter.

I have at hand, by the kindness of Schleupner,^ Lorenzo Valla's proof* (edited by Hutten), that the Donation of Con- stantine is a forgery. Good Heavens! what darkness and wickedness is at Rome! You wonder at the judgment of God, that such unauthentic, crass, impudent lies not only lived, but prevailed for so many centuries and were incor- porated into the Canon Law, and (that no degree of horror might be wanting), became as articles of faith. I am in such a passion that I hardly doubt that the Pope is the Antichrist, which the world at large expects, so closely do their lives, acts, sayings and laws agree. But more of this when I see you. If you have not seen the book, I shall take care that you read it.

I do not know what to say about the students and the painters. I fear it is a little thing artificially blown up to look big. I spoke of it in a sermon, but did not satisfy all. Some said I favored the students too much, and some the contrary. This aflFair of the devil is so hard to manage that it would have been better to let it cool off of itself, rather than start putting it down with so much tumult and noise. There are only a few actors in the tragedy, and they poor ones, on account of whom the whole city and university are disturbed. Indeed, it is impossible (as Antiochus said to Herod) that in a great sick body an ulcer or pus or some- thing like it should not occasionally break out, which, if you let it take its course, will die down of itself, but if you keep it in and stop it up will infect and ruin the whole body. I shall do what I can.

Farewell and pray for me. Our prior Helt went to Magde- burg as soon as your letters came.

Martin Luther, Augustinian.

> Dominic Schleupner of Breilau, matriculated at Wittenberg 15 19 and later became preacher of St. Sebald in Nuremberg. Spoken of by Luther last on December i, 1530. Enders, riii. 326.

  • The brilliant Italian humanist Valla (1406-57) had proved that the so-called

Donation of Constantine to the Pope was a forgery. Hutten published this, 15 19. On the influence of the work on Luther, cf. Smith, op. cit., pp. yaS.

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