Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/573

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1. To Andrew Lohr, September 22, 1512, p. 21.

2. To Spalatin, February, 15 14, p. 29.

3. To Spalatin, August 5, 15 14, p. 29.

4. To John Bercken, May i, 1516, p. ja

5. To Spalatin, June 8, 15 16, p. 33.

6. To Michael Dressel, June 8, 1516, p. 31.

7. To Lang, October 26, 1516, p. 32.

8. To Lang, February 8, I5I7» P. 26.

9. To Albert of Mayence, October 31, 1517, p. 42.

10. To Elector Frederic, November, 151 7, p. 34.

11. To C. Scheurl, March 5, 15 18, p. 43.

12. To Leo X., May 30?, 1518, p. 44-

13. To Spalatin, August 31, 1518, p. 70.

14. To Spalatin, October 14, 1518, p. 49.

15. To Cajetan, October 17, 1518, p. 52.

16. To Elector Frederic, January 5-6, 15 19, p. 54.

17. To Elector Frederic, January 6-7, 15 19, p. 56.

18. To John Eck, February 18, 1519, p. 59.

19. To Spalatin, soon after February 24, 1519 (no. i), p. 6a

20. To Spalatin, soon after February 24, 1519 (no. 2), p. 61.

21. To Erasmus, March 28, 1519, p. 200.

22. To Spalatin, July 20, 1519, p. 64.

23. To Spalatin, February, 1520, p. 72.

24. Ulrich von Hutten to Luther, June 4, 1520, p. 73.

25. To Amsdorf, June 23, 1520, p. 79.

26. To Spalatin, July 10, 1520, p. 74.

27. To Gerard Listrius, July 30, 1520, p. yy}

28. To Lang, August 18, 15 18, p. 86.

29. To Link, August 19, 1520, p. 87.

30. To Charles V., August 31, 1520, p. 99.

31. To Leo X., October, 1520, p. 91.

32. To Spalatin, December 21, 1520, p. 105.*

'This letter is not in Enders. The text it printed in my Luther, p. 471.

'Knaake in Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 1900, p. J73, tries to that this letter should be dated "Spannenberg, I>eceraber 29," but Enden if right, as had the letter been written on December 29, Luther, who nmudly be* gan the new year on Christmas, would have dated it "1521."


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