Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/576

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��Abel« 43.

Accolti, P., 383, 399, 3^6, 495.

Acta Augusiana, 102, 1x9, 128, 133, 136, 230.

Adamites, 539.

Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, 329, 34 if., 344, 347£., 358. 369. 378ff., 41a, 43a. 43 iff-. 460, 471. 473.

Adelmann, B., 123, 307, 424.

Adelmann, C, letter, 122S.

Adrian of Antwerp, 60.

Adrian of Utrecht (later Pope Adrian VI), 6, 209, 301, 312, 403, 436.

Adrian, M., 29of., 306, 3i4f., 365,

387, 465.

Aeneas Sylvius (see Pius II).

Agricola, J., 189, 341, 348f.

Agricola, R., letter, 46xf.

Agrippa, H. C., i9of.

Aix la-Chapelle, 418.

Aleander, J., 6, 382, 389. 393. 395. 397fi.402, 406, 41 if.. 430, 434f., 438f., 446f., 451. 454. 482, 50 if-, 504, 512. 553, $60, 562f. Danger and hardships in Ger- many, 422f.. 430, 459, 461, 466, S09f. Letters, 379f-. 388f., 416-23, 4^5-9. 454-64, 466ff., 473-7. 486-9. 495 ff-. 505f.. 5o8ff., 515.-^2, 525-31. 539-47. 55af.. 56o£f.

563f. Oration at Worms, 463, 467, 47of.,


Aleander, P., 457.

Alexander of Hales, 146.

Alexander, secretary of Nassau,

494f. Alsfeld, 555.

Altenburg, 219, 353, 362. Altenstein, 556. Alvarez, J., 242f. Alveld, A., 317, 320, 325. 327. 329.

341, 344, 372, 412. 424. 441. Ambrose, 43. 69, 129. 203, 205. 213. Amerbach, Basil. 37 7f., 448.

��Amerbachf BoaifaceA 378fn 389f., 397. 438f.

Letters, 22 if., 377ft 436ft 448. Ammann, J. J., 396. Amsdorf, N. v., 5 if., 54, 77, xao, 131, 134. x66, 168, 344, 473, 521, 523. 543, 552, 557. 568.

Letter, 209ff. Ancona (see Accolti). Andrew the barber, 274. Anhalt, Margaret, Princess of, 344f. Anna, St., 66f. Annaberg, 196, 208. Anselm, T.. 300. Antichrist, i7of.. 179, 240, 265, 269,

291, 329, 344. 366, 386f., 394, 442,

450, 494f., 497, 510, 528. Antiochus, 291. Antwerp, 301, 351. 379, 456f.

Jacobin of, 494.

Prior of, 375 f. Apollonia, St., 67. Aquensis, P., 3i7f. Aquinas, T., 78, loi, 117, 129. 146,

150. 220. 242. 270, 283, 359, 426. Arcimboldi, J. A. de, 453. Aristotle, 23, 43, 55, 60, 64f., 77,

Bit, 129, 150, i69f, 198. 216, 230,

254. 257f.. 566. Arius, 154. 247, 417. 423. Armstorf, P. v., siaf., sisf. Asterisks, 86f., 95. Athanasius, 129, 154, 254. Auer, J.. I33f.

Augsburg. 76, 102, 142, 156. 204, 233. 262, 280, 460, 536.

Christopher v. Stadion, Bishop of, 116, 424, 498, 542, 556.

Diet of (1518). loof.

Luther's trial at, 6, 96. 116-34, 130, I36f., 160. 185, 191, 216, 266, 307. 340, 440. Augustine. St.. 41-4, 55. 57f.. 68f., 74,

81 f., 129. 161. iSof., 203. 205,

2i3f.. 226. 24of., 255. 283. 326,

388, 429. 436, 532, 549f-, 566. Augustinians. 25. 33, 79, losflf., 222, 233, 268. 397ff.. 333.

Chapter at Eisleben, 348, 351. 353. Aurogallus, M., 465.


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