Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1507-1521.djvu/577

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��Babylonian Captivity of the Church,

349. 364. 377, 420. 4^3. 4^7. 439»

446f., 520, 560. Baden, 384.

Philip, Margrave of, $42, Bader, P., 79. Bamberg, 230, 382.

George, Bishop of, 388, 498. Ban (see Excommunication).

of the Empire (see Worms, Edict of), 444. 467. 506, 523, 561.

Sermon on the, 98. Bannissius, J., 454. Baptism, 447. Barbara, St., 67. Barth61emi, 392. Bartholomew, St., 37. Basil, 129. Basle, 112, 172, 178, 314, 356, 378,

396, 465. 505. Christopher v. Uttenheim, Bishop

of, 163. Coimcil of, 246. Bavaria, 332.

Dukes of, 424, 469, 517. William, Duke of, 536. Bayer, C, 308.

Beatus Rhenanus, 8of{., 2o8f., 277, 436f., 500, 5 1 of. Letters, 389f-» 438f., 493f- Beckmann, O., 51, 60, 120, 134, 166,


Beczschicz, C, 285.

Beda, N., 392.

Begging, 294f.

Beghards (see Hussites), 66, 317,

327. 529. Benedict, M., 300. B^rauld, N., 464f. Bercken, J., 568. Berghes, M. dc, 234, 546, 558. Berka, 555. Berlin, 356.

Bernard, 201, 203, 206, 240, 255. Bernhardi, B., 41, 54, 131, 168, 317,

325. Beroald, P., 169. Bessler, N., 437. Beymann, P., 277. Bias, 492. Bible, 6, 75, 77, 8if., 84, 94. I39»

287, 324. 364. 384. Free use, 113, 438, 565. Interpretation, 43, 203, 247, 250,

435. 558. Luther's lectures on, 25 f., 31, 41,

49» 54. 61. I56ff., 162. 309, 355.

477. Method of study, 68f!.

��Supremacy, 78, 89, 149, 153, 15s. 159, 214, 230, 25$, 326, 529,

548ff^ 554- Tumult results from the study,


Biel, G., 4if., 78.

Bild, G., 137, 317. Letters, ii4f., 307f.

Black Qoister (Augustinian monas- tery at Wittenberg), 22, 183!.

Blaurer, A., 438.

Blaurer, T. Letter, 438, 464.

Bock, J., 557.

Bodensee, 405.

Bohemia, 27$, 313, 33of., 341, 40S.

452. 531. 547. Bohemians (see Beghards and Hosi-

ites). Bologna, 234, 251, 421. Bona Ventura, 146. Bosschenstein, J., 138. Bossenstain, J., 124. Botzheim, J. v., 464. Brabant, 162, 494. Bragadin, L., 299. Brandenburg, 141, 237.

Jerome Scultetus, Bishop of, 73^-* 77, 87ff., 98. 134. ai5. 220, 393. 405. 450. 498, 542. 5S6.

Joachim I, Elector of, 215, 44^f

449, 474f-. 497f.. 5X7. 522,540^^ 556. Braun, J., 21-4, 38. Breisgaii, 405.

John of, 262. Breitenbach, G. v., 252. Breslau, John V. Thurzo, Bishop of, S^

394. Briard, 304.

Briselot, 235.

Bronner, J., 279.

Bruck, G.,

Letter, 5o6f. Bruges, 357, 494. Brunswick-Luneburg, Marga.

Duchess of, 227f. Brussels, 51 z, 562. Brutus, 566. Bucer. M., 6. 397, 442, 516. 525.

Letters, 8off., 2o8f., 276^., 5^* 5 1 of., 5I2f.

Luther's opinion of, 285. Bunau, G. v., 359f. Bunau, H. v., 324f. Burckhardt, F., 195. Burckhart, P., 204f., 339, 365. Burgundy, 474.

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