Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/174

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the mass of the people can be moved to tmnult or rebellion, or led into any error, but that they shall teach and preach nothing but the true, pure and holy Gospel and the approved Scriptures, according to the doctrine and exposition of the Scriptures approved and received by the Christian Church. . . . Moreover the archbishops, bishops and other prelates will appoint throughout their dioceses learned men, tested and skilled in sacred letters, whose duty it will be to give faithful and diligent attention to the preachers, and if any of them give offence, either by error or impropriety in their preaching, they will correct them kindly and considerately and inform them of their fault in such a way that no one can suspect that there is any desire to stand in the way of evangelical truth. But if these preachers are unwilling to listen to their advisers and to abstain from their folly, they are to be co- erced and punished with suitable penalties by the local Church authorities.

Besides this, they will provide in all the book-sellers' shops and in the printing presses, so far as this is possible, that in future no new work shall be printed, and especially that no libelous books shall be sold, either publicly or privately; and all the rulers will make a law that if anyone wishes to publish, sell or print any new work, such works must first be revised and reviewed by certain approved and learned men, who have skill in letters, and unless they have the permission and approbation of these men they are not to be sold, printed or published.

By these means they hope that these tumults, errors and offences can at this time be remedied; especially if his Holi- ness shall make suitable and proper reformation of the matters complained of ,^ and shall call a free Christian council, for in this way he will satisfy the mass of the people. . . .


Bering, SpahHniana^' 87. (WrrrENBERC, February 8, 1523.)

At the beginning of 15^ when the Elector was confronted with the

»C/. supra, pp. 147^.

  • Qu€llgn und Darstellungen am der Gtseh. d9s ReformatitmsMgit, ▼ (Leip«ic,


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