Page:Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters 1521-1530.djvu/37

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swer to your letter. I am answering James Latomus * unwill- ingly, for I have settled down to quiet study, but I see that it is necessary for me to answer him myself, and now I shall have the added weariness of reading his longwinded and badly writ- ten stuff. I had decided to put the explanations of the Epistles and Gospels into German, but you have not sent me the Postils * that have been printed. I am sending you the Psalm sung at this season of the year ; * if you wish, and the printers are not busy, you may have it printed, and dedicate it to whom you please ; I have done it as a pastime and had no books ; if you prefer not to do this, let our friends have it, and give it to Christian Aurif aber * or to Amsdorf to read.

I wish Dr. Lupinus" a happy exit from this life, in which I would that we, too, were not living. So great is God's wrath, which I contemplate more and more every day now that I have nothing to do, that I doubt whether he will keep even the little children out of that kingdom of Satan; so far has our God cast us off. Nevertheless his death moved me not a little, remembering that word of Isaiah, "The righteous perisheth and no man taketh it to heart, and merciful men are taken away and no one considereth." *

I should like to know who is that Francis Faber of Silesia,^ that heroic spirit. The Joke on the Emser Goat* gives suf- ficient indication of its authors. The Passionate * pleases me greatly ; I see that you have enlisted the aid of John Schwert- fager." (Ecolampadius has anticipated the tract On Con-

  • Cf. VoL I, p. 370, n. X. Latomus had just published a defence of the con-

'demnatioti of Luther's doctrines by the Louvain theologians. Luther's reply in Weimar, viii, 36flf.

' yide supra, no. 483, p. 28, n. 2,

' Psalm Ixviii. This exposition of it in Weimar, viii, iff.

« Christian Doering. Cf. Vol. I, p. 56, n. 2. He died November, or I>ccember, 1533. He kept an inn, in addition to his printing business. At one time he had a monopoly (copyright) of printing German Bibles. ARC, vi. 331, n. 3.

  • Cf. Vol. I, pp. is5f. He died May 1.

' Isaiah Ivii, x.

  • Francis Faber (1497*1565), one of the most important literary representatives

and his death. From x 530*36 he was in Leipsic, where he wrote his Sylva de incendiis Lutheranorum Ubrorum, a poem in defence of Luther. It was this work which called forth the reference here. ADB.

  • Ludus in Caprum Emserianum.
  • The Passionale Ckristi et Antichristi (Weimar, ix, App.). Cf. Vol. I, p. 485.

>• Cf, Vol. I, p. X3X, n. 4.

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