Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/182

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  • vishes advanced in regular skirmishing order,

rushing from cover to cover, and lying down. A few got within 400 yards of the square, but were unable to face the heavy rifle and Maxim fire that met them, and this attack failed. Then two determined rushes were made on the front and right flank of the square, but they were met with such a terrific fire from rifles and Maxims that the charging enemy could not face it. At 10 a.m. the whole mass of the enemy broke and fled, followed by fire till it was masked by the pursuing mounted troops. Six hundred and sixty-eight dead were counted round the position two days later.[1]

"Much execution was done by the Maxim worked in the right corner of the square by Sergeant Gibbs, 1st Bn. King's African Rifles, on the groups of Dervishes taking cover behind the scattered clumps of bushes surrounding the square. One entire group of nine men was wiped out in a moment by this Maxim."[B]

It will be seen that machine guns are a very useful auxiliary in bush warfare, especially in holding posts and defending squares from the rush of fanatics. They must always march with the main body of the arm to which they are attached, and be used as circumstances require. A high state of efficiency in working the gun, a thorough knowledge of its mechanism, and ability to bring it into action with great rapidity are of more importance in bush warfare

  1. Official History of the operations in Somaliland.