Page:Machine-gun tactics (IA machineguntactic00appl).pdf/55

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fire" should also be "cover from view" if possible; it must be inconspicuous, and should be of the same colour and material as the background and locality. It must be as low as is compatible with command, and must never be on the skyline. The following points in the order given constitute good "cover from fire":

(1) Bullet proof.

(2) Good field of fire.

(3) Invisibility.

(4) Protection from enfilade fire.

(5) Good line of retreat (under cover).

"Cover from view" is often not cover from fire, and must be used with great caution; it is the principal means by which guns are brought up to the fire position without the enemy's knowledge, thus effecting a surprise. Cover may be either (1) natural, (2) artificial, (3) a combination of both.

"Cover from fire" will generally be artificial or a combination of natural and artificial cover, because natural cover will seldom be found that is suitable for machine guns, although partial cover from fire may often be found behind a bank, a rock, or in a ditch.

"Cover from view" will generally be natural cover, and will be used to conceal the guns while approaching a position to occupy it and, when in position, to effect a surprise. When used in position to effect a surprise, it must be remembered that the moment the guns open "rapid" fire the cover is no longer any protection—indeed,