Page:Madras Journal of Literature and Science, series 1, volume 6 (1837).djvu/325

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Heights of the Neilgherry Hills.

VII.—Heights of the Neilgherry Hills.—By Captain J. Underwood, Madras Engineers.

In the very interesting paper on the geological features of the Neilgherries by Dr. Benza (No. 13 of the Journal) the height of Sispara at the Koondahs above the sea has been recorded as about 5620 feet. Several observations by myself with a very good glass barometer fix the height alluded to at 6742 feet, and as I am not aware that a section over the hills from north to south has either been taken or published before, I have the pleasure to forward herewith the barometrical heights from the foot of the Koondah ghaut to Ootacamund, and thence down the New Seegoor ghaut to Seegoor at the foot of the latter.

Table of heights above the level of the sea:

Koondahs Sholay, bottom of the Koondah ghaut 893.11 South
Bamboos cease 1757.6
Ladder hill (bottom of) 2972.
Vullycand camp (top of ridge) 4140.3
Vullyaur (river) 4050.6
Murray pelt bungalow 6742.
Avalanche range. Avalanche ridge, top of 7732.37
Avalanche bungalow (at bottom of ridge) 6720.2
Ootacamund lake level 7361


New See-goer ghaut.

Commencing at the Seven Cairn Hill.

Blink Bonnie, 4 miles from Ootac. top of New Seegoor ghaut 7204

Sapperpoorum 1 mile down 6758.5

Stonehenge about 2 miles down 6182.17

Red Hill below Kulhutty, Burgher village about three miles down 5940.5

Waterfall point, proposed site for traveller's bungalow, about four miles down, and eight from Ootacamund. 5538.8

Adam's Peak, north end of large basin, about 4½ miles down. 4982.8

Giant's glen, about 5 miles down 4296.5

Tent mydan, about 5½ miles 4001

Bamboos begin hereabouts

Large nullah, bottom of ghaut 3408.9

Seegoor 3393.6

North direction from Ootacamund.

It is much to be regretted that my friend Dr. Benza did not find his way down the new ghaut, for (beauty of scenery apart) the features of the country are most extraordinary, and well worthy the attention of one so capable of delighting both the Scientific and general reader.