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a low stool by his side, thus accosted him:——— Take heart, Senior Pedrosa, your imprisonment is not likely to be very tedious, for I have a commission you must execute without loss of time; you have too much eonsideration for yourself, to betray a trust, the violation of whieh must involve you in inevitable ruin, and can in no degree attaint my charaeter, which is far enough beyond the reach of maliee; be attentive, therefore, to my orders; execute them punetually and keep my secret as you tender your own life: dost thou know the name and eondition of the lady whom thou hast delivered? Nicholas assured him he did not and his Excelleney proceeeded as follows: Then I tell thee, Nicholas, it is the illustrious Donna Leonora de Casafonda; her husband is the president of Quito, and daily expected with the next arrivals from the South Seas: now, though measures have been taken for detaining him at the port, where he shall land, till he shall reeeive further orders, yet you must be sensible Donna Leonora’s situation is somewhat delicate; it will be your business to take the speediest measures for her recovery; but as it seems she has had a dangerous and painful labour, this may be a work of more time than could be wished, unless some medicines more efficaeious, than common are administered; art thou aequainted with any such, friend Nicolas, my posesses have been tolerably suecessful; I have bandages and cataplasms, with oils and conserves, that I have no cause to complain of; they will restore nature to its proper state in all deeent time.———Thou talkest like a fool, friend Nicolas, interrupting him, said the Inquisitor?