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uttered an unconscious exclamation of surprise and joy.

He saw before him a circular room which the moon, rising over the opposite forest, lighted up. The room was wainscoted with dark wood, and in the rear a curtain of delicate red skin, now faded and striped with gold somewhat tarnished, concealed an alcove from whose ceiling hung a many-branched chandelier over a wide bed. On the sides of the bed were carvings illustrating events from the life of Joseph in Egypt. At the head hung a cross without Christ, and beneath it were evident traces of the chalice. The chalice was probably gold, and had attracted some avaricious servant, or perhaps, for some other reason than avarice, it had been snatched from its place so roughly that the wood was badly damaged. Curtains similar to those at the alcove hung from the windows, whose sills were so wide that each one formed a little alcove by itself, and in the recesses stood chests covered with leather cushions.

Walking to the wall, the harper again gave