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and it broke to pieces. Thereupon the captive began again to rail and curse at Almasta and to implore Khaled with many blessings.

'You shall drink, for I will bring water myself,' said Khaled. He went back to his tent and took his own jar to the well, and filled it carefully.

When he turned he saw that Almasta was running from his tent towards the cage, with a drawn sword in her hand. He then ran also, and being very swift of foot, he overtook her just as she thrust at the Sultan through the bars. But the sword caught in the folds of the soft carpet, and Khaled took it from her hand, and thrust her down so that she fell upon her knees. Then he gave the prisoner the jar with the water that remained in it, for some had been spilt as he ran.

'Who has given you the right to kill my captives?' he asked of Almasta.

'Kill me, then!' she cried.

'Indeed, if you were not so valuable, I would cut off your head,' Khaled answered. 'Why do you wish me to kill you?'

'I hate him,' she said, pointing to the captive who was drinking like a thirsty camel.

'That is no reason why I should kill you. Go back to the tents.'

But Almasta laid her hand on the sword he held and tried to bring it to her own throat.