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1½ cupfuls of orange juice,

Juice of 1 lemon,

2½ cupfuls of sugar,

1 cupful of water.

Boil the sugar and water for ten minutes, add the fruit juice, strain it, and when it is cold freeze it.


1½ cupfuls of strawberry juice,

2 cupfuls of sugar,

1 quart of water.

Crush the berries and let them stand in part of the sugar for two to three hours, then strain out the juice. Boil the water with the rest of the sugar for ten minutes, add the fruit juice, and when it is cold freeze it by turning the crank for five minutes, then stopping for five minutes, and so on until it is frozen. Serve in individual glasses.


Chop, mash, and press through a sieve a canful of California canned apricots. To the pulp add the juice from the can, two cupfuls of water, and enough sugar to make it quite sweet. Freeze and serve in glasses.


Cut off the top of a pineapple and take out the center, being careful to leave the rind uninjured. Grate the pineapple, and to the pulp and juice add a cupful of water, the juice of a lemon, and enough sugar to make it very sweet, as it loses sweetness in freezing. Freeze it and serve it in the shell of the pine.