Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/243

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cooked well in boiling salt water, which will require ½ hour. Drain the water off, strew pepper and grated cheese on, put the butter on and cook a while longer. Serve hot with a tomato or lobster dressing.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 52, but these are put into a buttered baking-dish, ¾ pt. of cream poured on, roll crumbs and butter on top and baked in the oven to a nice color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

Ingredients and preparation are given in Chapter 5, No. 13, Boiled Ham With Macaroni.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of macaroni
  • 3 qts. of water
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • 2 lbs. of boiled fish
  • ¼ lb. of grated Parmesan cheese
  • ½ pt. white wine
  • 1 tbsp. of flour
  • 1 pt. of cream or milk
  • 2 tbsps. of lemon juice
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ½ cup sliced champignons
  • ¼ lb. of butter

Preparation: The macaroni is broken into inch pieces and boiled in 3 qts. of salt water. The fish is cleaned, dressed and boiled in salt water, then the skin and bones are taken out and the fish cut into small pieces. Butter a baking-dish, put in a layer of macaroni, then fish and Parmesan cheese and champignons, sprinkled with white wine. Repeat this 3 times, the last layer being macaroni. A dressing is made of ⅛ lb. of melted butter into which the flour, cream or milk, lemon juice, salt and pepper are stirred, this poured over the macaroni, the ⅛ lb. of butter cut in small pieces, sprinkled over the top and baked in the oven to a nice color.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • ½ lb. of macaroni
  • 3 qts. of water, for cooking
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • Scant ¼ lb. of butter
  • ⅛ lb. of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • ½ pt. of cream
  • 1 pinch of pepper and one of salt

Preparation: The macaroni is broken into 1 inch pieces,