Page:Meier - The Art of German Cooking and Baking.djvu/37

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Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 3–4 lbs. round steak
  • ¼ lb. of butter
  • Salt, pepper
  • ¼ cup of water
  • 1 onion

Preparation: The meat is cut into slices ¾ inch thick and pounded slightly.

The butter is heated; the onion is sliced and fried till light yellow in the butter, then taken out and the meat put into this hot onion butter after it has been salted and peppered. Fry for 5 to 8 minutes to a light brown, turning it once or twice.

The meat is put on a hot platter and the onions on top. A little water is put into the pan with butter and boiled a little. This gravy is poured over the meat. Serve at once.

Remarks: If you do not like onions, omit them.


Quantity for 6 Persons.

  • 2½ lbs. chopped steak
  • 1 tbsp. of butter
  • 2–3 eggs
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1 tsp. of grated onion
  • 1/6 lb. of butter

Preparation: The lean meat from the round is chopped fine or ground fine by putting it twice or three times through the grinder, then salted, peppered and mixed with the eggs, a tablespoonful of butter and onion if you like. If you do not like onions, omit them.

After mixing well, scant ¼ lb. dumplings are formed and flattened to 1½ inches in thickness. The butter or lard heated, the steaks put in and fried about 10 minutes, turning and basting frequently.

Serve the steaks on a hot platter, and for gravy pour a little water into the frying-pan with the butter, let come to a boil, and pour over the steaks.

Remarks: You may serve mustard gravy with this steak by adding 2 teaspoonfuls of mustard to the steak-butter and 1 teaspoonful of flour and bouillon or water, boiled for 2 minutes and strained.