Cooke, George Isaac Foster, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1860, an examiner of High Court of Justice since Feb., 1884, Law Reporter in Justice Chitty's Court for Incorporated Council, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 Nov., 1859 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1862 (eldest son of George Cooke, Esq., of Bristol); born , 1837; married 17 Sept., 1863, Agnes Marian, 3rd dau. of late Stephen Mackenzie, Esq., of Leytonstone, Essex.
- 74, Upper Tollington Park, N.; 6, Stone Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Cooke, Harry Whiteside, a member of the North-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 17 Nov., 1868, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1871 (eldest son of Henry Cooke, Esq., of Paris); born , ; married 8 Sept., 1868, Milicent Hamilton, youngest dau. of late Sir Henry Leake, of North Cheam House, Surrey.
Cooke, Henry, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1871, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 24 April, 1872 (then aged 23), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875 (only son of Charles Henry Cooke, late of Benwell Grove, Northumberland, gentleman, dec.); born , 1849.
- Union Chambers, Grainger Street West, Ncwcastle-on-Tyne.
Cooke, John Temple Ashwell, a member of the Western circuit, educated at Cheltenham Coll., a student of the Middle Temple 17 April, 1871, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1874 (eldest son of William Major Cooke, of London, police magistrate); born , 1851; married 16 July, 1878, Margaretta, only dau. of late George Beaufoy, Esq., of South Lambeth.
- 2, Dr. Johnson's Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Cooke, Nathaniel Ernest, B.A., Jesus Coll., Camb., 1872, practises before the supreme court of Ceylon, a student of the Inner Temple 7 Oct., 1869 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 7872 (eldest son of Nathaniel James Cooke, of Chilong, Ceylon); born 1848.
- Kalutara, Ceylon.
Cooke, Samuel Winter, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1870, a student of Lincoln's Inn 18 Jan., 1868 (then aged 20), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1872 (2nd son of Cecil Pybus Cooke, of Burndale, Bramsholme, Portland district, Victoria); born , 1848.
Cooke, William Henry, Q.C., F.S.A., M.A., Brasenose Coll., Oxon, 1847, county court judge (circuit No. 36) since 1874, of circuit No. 32 1868–74, recorder of Oxford since 1866, J.P. cos. Norfolk and Hereford, a student of the Inner Temple 2 May, 1834 (then aged 22), called to the bar 9 June, 1837, Q.C. 3 Nov., 1863, called to the bench 17 Nov., 1863 (eldest son of William Cooke, of Bromhead, co. Hereford, clerk); born , ; married 1st, 1 Aug., 1857, Martha Anne, only child of William Jones, Esq., of Brocton Court, Shifnal; she died; he married 2ndly, 12 Sept., 1865, Anne, 2nd dau. of J. Greatorex, Esq., of London.
- Sufton Court, Hereford; 42, Wimpole Street, W.; 1, Temple Gardens;, E.C.; Carlton and United University Clubs.
Cooke, William Henry, B.A. London Univ. 1866 and a member of Convocation, special pleader, a student of the Middle Temple 20 Oct., 1864, called to the bar 11 June, 1867 (youngest son of late Rev. John Hall Cooke, of Gomersal, Yorkshire); born 18 Jan., 1843; married 17 July, 1873, Emily Amelia, elder dau. of David Davidson, Esq., of Maldon, Essex.
- Winchfield, Hants; 3, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.; Savile Club.
Cooke, William Major, police magistrate Marylebone, J.P. Middlesex, sometime recorder of Poole and Southampton, J.P. Newport, Isle of Wight, educated at London Univ. and Trin. Coll., Camb., a student of the Middle Temple 3 Nov., 1843, called to the bar 24 Nov., 1848 (eldest son of John Cooke, Esq., of Newport, Isle of Wight); born , 1825; married 4 Sept., 1849, Maria Bartlett, dau. of late Samuel Ashwell, Esq., M.D., of London.
- Belcroft, Staplers, Isle of Wight; 31, Wimpole Street, W.; Reform Club.
Cookson, Charles Alfred, C.B. 1881, B.A., Oriel Coll., Oxon, 1855, second delegate on Judicial Reform Commission at Cairo 1880–1, legal adviser in Cyprus, member of the executive council and judicial commissioner 1878–9, consul at Alexandria and judge of H.M.'s chief consular court for Egypt since 1874, vice-consul, law secretary and registrar of the supreme court of the Levant 1869–74, a student of the Inner Temple 28 Jan., 1864 (then aged 33), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1867 (5th son of late Christopher Cookson, of Nowers, Somerset); born , 1831.
Cookson, Montague Hughes, Q.C., D.C.L. (late fellow), St. John's Coll., Oxon, 1861, mathematical scholar 1853, double 1st class 1856, practises in chancery division (Mr. Justice Pearson's court), lecturer and reader to Incorporated Law Society 1862–6, examiner in civil law to Oxford Univ. 1872, a student of Lincoln's Inn 9 June, 1856 (then aged 24), Eldon law scholar 1856, studentship Jan., 1859, called to the bar 10 June, 1859, Q.C. 23 June, 1875, bencher 27 May, 1878 (6th son of Christopher Cookson, Esq., late of Wellington, Somerset, dec.); born 24 Feb., 1832; married 6 April, 1869, Blanche A. E., younger dau. of Rev. E. C. Holt.
- Mayes, East Grinstead; 29, Rutland Gate, S.W.; 1, New Square, W.C.; Athenæum Club.
Coope, Alfred, undergrad. Trin. Coll., Camb., a student of Lincoln's Inn 21 Nov., 1840 (then aged 22), called to the bar 8 June, 1847 (5th son of John Coope, Esq., of London); born , 1818.
Cooper, Carlos, recorder of Thetford since 1865, judge of Guildhall Court, Norwich, 1872, revising barrister 1862, J.P. Norwich, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 16 Jan., 1834 (then aged 19), called to the bar 29 Jan., 1839 (5th son of Charles Cooper, of Norwich, bar.-at-law); born 12 Feb., 1815.
- South Australia; Lakenham, Norwich.