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Dadysett, Mancherji Dadabhai, matric. Bombay Univ., practises before the supreme court of Bombay, a student of the Middle Temple 12 March, 1880, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (3rd son of Dadabhai Jehangir Dadysett, of Bombay); born , 1853.


Dakyns, Charles Stewart, educated at King's Coll., London, a student of the Middle Temple 8 Nov., 1865, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1869 (4th son of Thomas Henry Dakyns, of Rugby, Warwick, then under-treasurer of the Hon. Society of the Middle Temple); born , ; married 29 Nov., 1870, Constance Agnes, dau. of late Col. G. Gerrard, 1st (European) Bengal fusiliers.

Dalby, Robert Dalby, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1862, practised in Lancaster Chancery Court, a student of Lincoln's Inn 12 Nov., 1857 (aged 22), called to the bar 6 June, 1851 (only son of Rev. Robert Dalby, of Belton, co. Leic.); born , 1835; married 5 Aug., 1869, Mary Selina, 2nd dau. of late John Rogers, Esq., of Riverhill, near Sevenoaks.

Castle Donington, Derby.

Daldy, Frederick Francis, B.A. Pembroke Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 11 Oct., 1877, called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (eldest son of Frederic Richard Daldy, of Belvedere, Kent); born , .

Aldine House, Belvedere, Kent; 11, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.

Dale, Cecil Clare Marston, B.A., bracketed first in 2nd class tripos (formerly mathematical scholar), Jesus Coll., Camb., 1865, a student of Lincoln's Inn 3 May, 1865 (then aged 20), called to the bar 6 June, 1868 (6th son of Rev. Thomas Dale, canon of St. Paul's); born , 1845.

2, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.

Dale, Charles William Mitcalfe, B.A., LL.B. St. John's Coll., Camb., 1878, a member of the North-eastern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 17 Jan., 1876, called to the bar 7 May, 1879 (younger son of John Brodrick Dale, of Westoe, co. Durham, J.P., banker); born , 1857.

122-5, Palace Chambers, Bridge Street, Westminster, S.W.; 6, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C.

Dale, Clement, J.P. Herts, a student of Gray's Inn 24 Nov., 1834, called to the bar 6 June, 1856 (2nd surviving son of Thomas Dale, late of Devonshire Street, London, M.D., dec.); born , .

26, Cadogan Place, S.W.; Oriental Club.

Dale, Edward Samuel, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 Nov., 1848 (then aged 26), called to the bar 21 Nov., 1851 (only son of Adam Dale, Esq., late of York, dec.); born , 1822.

Dale, George Williams Melville, M.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1874, from Harrow, author of Remarks on Law Reform, a student of Lincoln's Inn 17 Jan., 1870 (then aged 21), called to the bar 7 June, 1873 (4th son of Clement Dale, of the Manor House, Bushey, Herts, and of Gray's Inn, bar.-at-law); born 24 Sept., 1848.

Ellerslie, Netherstreet, North Finchley, N. 27, Chancery Lane, W.C.

Dale, Thomas, LL.M. St. John's Coll., Camb., 1883, B.A. 1880, a member of the Western circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 12 Jan., 1881, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1883 (eldest son of William Dale, of Helston, Cornwall, merchant); born 13 July, 1858.

Helston, Cornwall; 1, Pump Court, Temple, E.C.

D'Allain, Adolphus John, a student of Gray's Inn 17 Oct., 1853, called to the bar 6 June, 1856 (eldest son of John d'Allain, of St. Helier's, Isle of Jersey, solicitor); born , .

St. Helier's, Jersey.

D'Almeida, William Barrington, F.R.G.S., goes the Western circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 4 June, 1870, called to the bar 7 June, 1873 (only son of Sir Joaquim d'Almeida, of Singapore, Knt.); born , .

19, Green Park, Bath; 2, Pump Court, Temple, E.C.

Dalrymple, Charles, M.P., M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1865, J.P., D.L. East Lothian, J.P. Ayrshire and Midlothian, capt. 4th batt. royal Scots fusiliers, M.P. Buteshire 1868–80 (contested April, 1880) and since July, 1880, assumed the surname of Dalrymple 1849, educated at Harrow, a student of Lincoln's Inn 20 July, 1862 (aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1865 (2nd son of Sir Charles Dalrymple Fergusson, Bart., of Kilkerran, co. Ayr, N.B.); born 15 Oct., 1839; married 7 April, 1874, Alice Mary, 2nd dau. of Sir Edward Hunter-Blair, 4th bart.; she died 2 Sept., 1884, leaving issue (set Foster's Baronetage)

New Hailes, Musselburgh, N.B.; Ardencraig, Isle of Bute, N.B.; 5, Onslow Houses, S.W.; Carlton Club.

Dalton, Cornelius Neale, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1870, an assistant secretary to the Local Government Board since 1883, assistant inspector 1876–8, inspector of local loans and local acts 1878–83, a student of the