Edwards, William Douglas, LL.B. London Univ. 1873 and a member of Convocation, joint editor of the Bar Examination Journal, a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 April, 1871 (then aged 23), certificate of honour Michaelmas (Nov.), 1872, studentship May, 1873, called to the bar 7 June, 1873 (2nd son of Downes Edwards, of Brompton, Middlesex, gentleman); born , 1848.
- 4, Elm Park Road, South Kensington, S.W.; 11, Old Square, W.C.
Edwards, William Finch, M.A. (fellow), Trin. Coll., Camb., 1852, examiner education department 186—-72, matric. London Univ. 1844, a student of the Inner Temple 11 Oct, 1849 (then aged 23), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1853 (eldest son of James Edwards, Esq., of Rochester, Kent); born , 1826.
Edwards, Zachary, B.A. Wadham Coll., Oxon, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of Lincoln's Inn 9 May, 1862 (then aged 23), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1865 (eldest son of Rev. Zachary James Edwards, of Axminster, Devon); born , 1839.
- Axminster, Devonshire.
Egan, Pierce, M.A. London Univ. 1869, matric. 1866 (from City of London School), and a member of Convocation, a student of the Middle Temple 14 April, 1866, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1869 (eldest son of Pierce Egan, of London, gentleman); born , .
- 60, St. Martin's Lane, W.C.
Egerton, Hugh Edward, M.A. Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon, a member of the North Wales and Chester circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 23 Jan., 1875 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1880 (2nd son of late Christopher Edward Egerton, M.P., of Mountfield Court, Sussex, dec.); born 19 April, 1855 (see Foster's Peerage).
- Mountfield Court, Hawkshurst; 2, Tanfield Court, Temple, E.C.
Egerton, Richard, B.A., Christ Church, Oxon, 1867, equity draftsman and conveyancer, educated at Westminster School, a student of the Middle Temple 26 April, 1866, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1869 (eldest son of late Major-Genl. Caledon Richard Egerton, col. 89th regt.); born 10 July, 1844 (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 68, West Cromwell Road, W.; 3, Plowden Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Eglinton, Henry Arkley, a student of the Middle Temple 9 April, 1851, called to the bar 9 June, 1854 (2nd son of Robert Eglinton, of Castle House, Dunoon, Argyllshire, merchant); ? deceased.
- Dunoon Castle, Ayrshire.
Eicke, John, a student of Lincoln's Inn 16 Nov., 1838 (then aged 20), went to the Middle Temple 12 and called to the bar there 26 Jan., 1844 (eldest son of John Eicke, Esq., of Hampstead, Middlesex, dec.); born , 1818; married 20 May, 1854, Mary Anne, dau. of G. A. Macaulay, Esq., M.R.C.S. (and granddau. of Rev. Aulay Macaulay, vicar of Rothley).
Eiffe, Luke Sweetman, M.A. and L.C.E. Trin. Coll., Dublin, author of Judicature Acts Ireland 1877 and 1878, etc., called to the bar at King's Inns, Dublin, Trin., 1873, a member of the Middle Temple 26 Jan., 1870, where he was also called to the bar 17 Nov., 1877 (only son of Patrick Eiffe, Esq., formerly of Donoughmore Lodge, co. Meath, dec.); born , .
- 45, Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin.
Eiloart, Ernest, matric. London Univ. 1872, practises before the supreme court of the Gold Coast Colony and Largos, joint author of Law of Discovery and Inspection, a student of the Inner Temple 30 Jan., 1872 (then aged 18), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1875 (eldest son of Julius Gorgona Eiloart, of London, solicitor); born , 1854.
- Cape Castle, Gold Coast Colony.
Elcum, Hugh William, LL.B. London Univ. 1880 and a member of Convocation, a student of Gray's Inn 14 June, 1876, Inns of Court common law prize 1878, 1879, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1880 (eldest son of Hugh William Elcum, of London, solicitor); born 7 Dec., 1857.
- 27, Hilldrop Crescent, N.; 1, Hare Court, Temple, E.C.
Elgood, Edgar John, B.C.L., M.A. (late scholar) Exeter Coll., Oxon, joint author of Law and Practice of Administration, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 Jan., 1873 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1875 (4th son of John Garrard Elgood, Esq., late of London, dec.); born 26 May, 1850.
- Hadlow House, Sidcup; 8, New Court, Serle Street, W.C.
Elgood, Ernest Crawshaw, M.A. (late exhibitioner) New Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 18 Jan., 1879 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1881 (5th son of John Garrard Elgood, Esq., late of London, dec.); born 4 April, 1856; married 4 June, 1884, Eliza Gordon, only dau. of late George Archibald, Esq., of Hill Head, Inverness, N.B.
- 34, Montagu Square, W.; 1, Cloisters, Temple, E.C.
Ellaby, Ernest Ridsdale, M.A. (fellow) Wadham Coll., Oxon, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of Lincoln's Inn 17 April, 1861 (then aged 27), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1864 (5th son of Rev. Francis Ellaby, dec.); born , 1834.
- Care of Hales Vicarage, Market Drayton.
Ellery, Edward Crispe, a student of Gray's Inn 19 April, 1844, called to the bar 21 April, 1847 (eldest surviving son of Peter Ellery, late of Stonehouse, Devon, purser R.N.); born 1814; married 25 April, 1866, Gertrude Elizabeth, youngest dau. of late Capt. Richard Langslow, of the Bengal army; he died in London, 17 Jan., 1885.
Elles, Herbert Louis Power, undergrad. Trin. Coll., Camb., late of the Indian civil service, a student of the Middle Temple 20 Nov., 1876, called to the bar 25 June, 1879 (3rd son of Malcolm James Elles, of Oporto, merchant); born , .