Forbes, John, Q.C., matric. Marischal Coll. and Aberdeen Univ., a member of the North-eastern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 April, 1860 (then aged 22), certificate of honour Jan., 1862, studentship May, 1862, called to the bar 11 June, 1862, Q.C. 21 March, 1881, bencher 31 Jan., 1884 (3rd son of James Forbes, of Aberdeen, merchant); born 4 Feb., 1838; married 24 Aug., 1866, Maria Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Henry Thomas, Esq., of Sheffield.
- Farrar's Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Forbes, John George, county court judge Melbourne 1859 and 1868, undergrad. Trin. Coll., Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 9 June, 1837, called to the bar 28 Jan., 1847 (2nd son of John Forbes, Esq., of Winchfield Place, Berks).
Forbes, Thomas Theophilus, matric. Calcutta Univ., practises before the High Court at Calcutta, late pleader at Fort William, Bengal, a student of Lincoln's Inn 3 Nov., 1865 (then aged 30), called to the bar 6 June, 1868 (3rd son of Alexander John Forbes, of Sultanpore factory, Bengal); born , 1835.
- Allahabad, North-west Provinces India.
Forbes, Urquhart Atwell, author of Law relating to Trustees and Post Office Savings Banks, matric. London Univ. 1870, a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 June, 1872 (aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1877 (2nd son of Gordon Sullivan Forbes, of Madras C.S.); born 1850.
- 10, Caledonia Place, Clifton, Bristol; Old Palace, Richmond, S.W.; 1, Brick Court, Temple, E.C.
Ford, Edmund Salwey, B.A. Balliol Coll., Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 Feb., 1863 (then aged 24), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1866 (2nd son of Rev. James Ford, of Torquay, Devon); born , 1839; married 18 Aug., 1869, Caroline, youngest dau. of late Robert Artendale, Esq., of Green Hill, Burnley.
- 6, Southwick PI., W.; 6, New Ct., Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Ford, Edward, B.A. London Univ. 1862 and a member of Convocation, member of joint Board of Examiners Inns of Court 1877-9, a student of Lincoln's Inn 6 Jan., 1864, real property law exhibition July, 1865, equity exhibition July, 1866, studentship Mich., 1866, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1866 (elder surviving son of William Ford, of Minchinhampton, co. Glouc.); born 27 Nov., 1843; married 20 May, 1875, Katharine Mary, eldest dau. of William Wellington Cooper, late of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law, dec.
- 164, Adelaide Road, N.W.; 19, Old Buildings. W.C.
Ford, John Southgate, a student of Gray's Inn 11 Nov., 1863, called to the bar 6 June, 1865 (only son of Richard Ford, late of King's Lynn, gentleman, dec.); born .
- Sydney, Australia.
Ford, Theodore Thomas, judge supreme court Straits Settlements since Nov., 1876, presiding judge of Penang division March to July, 1874, acting judge of Penang 1874-6, acting chief justice 1876-8 and in 1883, a student of the Middle Temple 14 April, 1863, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1866 (6th son of George Samuel Ford, of London, late attorney and solicitor); born , 1830; married , 1859, Ellen, dau. of late George Watson, Esq.
- Straits Settlements; Clifton, Bristol.
Ford, William, a student of the Middle Temple 16 Jan., 1882, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (only son of George Ford, of Shrewsbury, Salop); born , .
- 46, Kensington Park Road, W.; Library Chambers, Middle Temple, E.C.
Ford, William Wilbraham, M.A., Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon, 1872, from Eton, a student of Lincoln's Inn 9 April, 1868 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1871 (eldest son of William Ford, of Gray's Inn, solicitor); born 19 Sept., 1846; married 21 Aug., 1883, Eva Annie, dau. of Capt. Monypenny, of Bathwick, Bath.
- 2, Highgate Rise, N.
Fordham, Edward Snow, M.A., LL.M., Caius Coll., Camb., 1884 (B.A. 1880), a member of the Midland circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 27 Jan., 1881 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1883 (eldest son of Edward King Fordham, Esq., of the Bury, Ashwell, Herts, J.P., D.L.); born 15 Jan., 1858; married 11 March, 1880, Annie, eldest dau. of late Thomas Carr-Jackson, F.R.C.S., of London, and has issue.
- Elbrook House, Ashwell, Herts; Farrar's Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Reform Club, S.W.
Fordham, Herbert George, educated at Univ. ColL, London, fellow Geographical Society, 1873, capt. 10th Herts rifle vol. corps 1877-80, a student of the Inner Temple 15 April, 1882 (then aged 27), called to the bar 25 Jan., 1885 (eldest son of Herbert Fordham, of Odsey Grange, Royston, co. Camb.); born 9 May, 1854; married 4 Oct., 1877, Fanny Osier, 3rd dau. of Wm. Blake, Esq., J.P., D.L., of South Petherton, Somerset.
- Odsey Grange, Royston; Reform and National Liberal Club.
Fordham, John Hampden, reporter for Incorporated Council 1865-71, a student of the Inner Temple 8 Nov., 1845, called to the bar 21 Nov., 1851 (only son of John Edward Fordham, Esq., of Melbourne Bury, co. Camb.); born , 1826; married 23 July, 1868, Catherine, youngest dau. of Sir Wilfrid Lawson, 1st bart., M.P., of Brayton, Cumberland.
- Melbourne Bury, Royston; 9, Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W.
Forester, Henry William, M.A., Trin. Coll., Oxon, 1844, educated at Westminster, formerly an officer in the army, joint lord of the manor of Somerby, a student of Lincoln's Inn 25 May, 1844 (then aged 25), called to the bar 9 May, 1848 (only son of Francis Forester, Esq., of St. James' Place, London); born 16 Feb., 1819; married 1 Feb., 1858, Hon. Eleanor Alexandrina Fraser, sister of Alexander, 17th Baron Saltoun, and has issue (see Foster's Peerage, B. Forester).
- Somerby House, Oakham; 13, Queen Anne Street, W.
Forget, Nicholas Arthur, matric. London Univ. 1866 from Royal Coll., Mauritius, a student of the Middle Temple 7 April, 1868, called to the bar 10 June, 1870 (eldest son of late Jean Jacquet Clodomir Forget, of the island of Mauritius, merchant); born
- Mauritius.