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Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen.


The Lord High Chancellor.

The Right Hon. Hardinge Stanley, Lord Halsbury.


Final Court of Appeal:—The House of Lords.

The Right Hon. The Lord Chancellor.     Lords of Appeal usually attending.
The Right Hon. James Plaisted, Lord Penzance, ex Judge of the Court of Probate.
The Right Hon. James, Lord Moncreiff, Lord Justice Clerk in Scotland.
The Right Hon. John Duke, Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice of England.
The Right Hon. George William Wilshere, Lord Bramwell, ex Lord Justice of Appeal.
The Right Hon. Colin, Lord Blackburn.     Lords of Appeal in Ordinary.
The Right Hon. William, Lord Watson.
The Right Hon. John David, Lord FitzGerald.


* The Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor.
The Right Hon. Gathorne, Viscount Cranbrook, G.C.S.I., Lord President of the Council.
His Grace Charles Henry, Duke of Richmond and Gordon, K.G.     ex Lords President of the Council.
His Grace Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Buckingham and Chandos.
The Most Hon. George Frederick, Marquis of Ripon, K.G.
The Right Hon. Granville George, Earl Granville, K.G.
The Right Hon. John Poyntz, Earl Spencer, K.G.
The Right Hon. Henry Austin, Lord Aberdare, G.C.B.
The Right Hon. Chichester Samuel, Lord Carlingford, K.P.
* The Right Hon. Colin, Lord Blackburn.     Lords of Appeal in Ordinary.
* The Right Hon. William, Lord Watson.
* The Right Hon. John David, Lord FitzGerald.
The Right Hon. John Duke, Lord Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice of England.
* The Right Hon. James Plaisted, Lord Penzance, ex Judge of the Court of Probate.
The Right Hon. George William Wilshere, Lord Bramwell, ex Lord Justice of Appeal.
The Right Hon. William Baliol, Lord Esher, Master of the Rolls.
  The Right Hon. Sir Richard Baggallay, Knt.     Lords Justices of Appeal .
The Right Hon. Sir Henry Cotton, Knt.
The Right Hon. Sir Nathaniel Lindley, Knt.
The Right Hon. Sir Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, Knt.
The Right Hon. Sir Edward Fry, Knt.
The Right Hon. Sir Henry Singer Keating, Knt., ex Justice of the Common Pleas Division.
The Right Hon. Sir John Mellor, Knt., ex Justice of the Queen's Bench Division.
* The Right Hon. Sir Montague Edward Smith, Knt., ex salaried member.
* The Right Hon. Sir James Hannen, Knt., President of the Probate and Admiralty Division.
* The Right Hon. Sir Barnes Peacock, Knt.   }  Salaried members.
* The Right Hon. Robert Porrett, Lord Monkswell.
* The Right Hon. Sir Richard Couch, Knt., ex Chief Justice of Bengal.
* The Right Hon. Arthur, Lord Hobhouse, K.C.S.I.

* Members usually attending.
