Hopwood, John Turner, M.P. Clitheroe 1857-65, M.A., Trin. Coll., Oxon, 1857, J.P., D.L. Lancashire, J.P. Rutland, high sheriff 1877, lord of the manor and patron of Bracewell, a student of the Middle Temple 19 Jan., 1850, called to the bar 1 May, 1854 (only son of Robert Hopwood, Esq., of Blackburn, co. Lancaster, and of Bracewell, Yorks); born , 1829; married 7 April, 1858, Mary Augusta Henrietta, 3rd dau. of Hon. Henry Amelius Coventry, and has issue (see Foster's Peerage.
- Ketton Hall, Stamford; Carlton and Oxford & Cambridge Clubs.
Hore, Charles Clavell, a student of Lincoln's Inn 30 April, 1870 (then aged 18), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875 (eldest son of Charles Frederick Hore, of Tunbridge, solicitor); born , 1852.
- Beckenham, Kent.
Hore, James Fraser, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1843, first judge of small causes court Bombay in 1860, a student of Lincoln's Inn 18 Jan., 1836 (then aged 18), called to the bar 25 Jan., 1841 (eldest son of James Hore, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, solicitor); born , 1818; married 10 Oct., 1850, Olivia, eldest dau. of Philip Gowan, Esq., of Dulwich, Surrey.
Hornby, Sir Edmund Grimani, knighted by patent 28 Feb., 1862, judge of consular court of China and Japan 1865-76, judge consular court Constantinople 1857-65, etc., a student of the Middle Temple 1 Nov., 1845, called to the bar 24 Nov., 1848 (2nd son of Thomas Hornby, of London, gentleman); born 29 May, 1825; married thrice, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Fir Grove, East Hoathly, Sussex; Goldsmith Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Athenæum Club.
Hornby, Edward Owen, M.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1838, a student of the Inner Temple 7 Nov., 1842 (then aged 31), called to the bar 29 Jan., 1847 (3rd surviving son of late John Hornby, of 41, Scotland Place); born , 1811; married , 1849, Martha, eldest dau. of William Bown, Esq.
- The Hook, Fareham, Hants; 54, Portland Place, W.; Union, Oriental, and Oxford & Cambridge Clubs.
Hornby, Hugh Phipps, B.A. Brasenose Coll., Oxon, J.P. Lancashire, a student of the Inner Temple 6 May, 1874 (then aged 25), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1877 (eldest son of Ven. Archdeacon Hornby, rector of St. Michael's-on-Wyre, co. Lanc.); born 10 March, 1849.
- St. Michael's-on-Wyre, Garstang, Lancashire; 2, Cleveland Row, St. James', S.W.; New University Club.
Hornby, John, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1859, goes the Northern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 8 Nov., 1853 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1857 (eldest son of William Henry Hornby, Esq., of Blackburn); born 2 Dec., 1832.
- Blackburn.
Home, Henry Warlters, B.A., New Coll., Oxon, 1870, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 15 April, 1868 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1871 (eldest son of Henry Home, Esq., of Caterham, Surrey); born 5 March, 1846; married 8 April, 1874 Harriet Elizabeth, sole surviving dau. of Arthur Beecher Pollock, Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law (see Foster's Baronetage.
- Heston Lodge, Thornton Hill, Wimbledon; 6, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Horne, James Edward, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1867, conveyancer and equity draftsman, a student of the Inner Temple 13 Oct., 1864 (then aged 23), called to the bar 6 June, 1868, admitted a barrister of Lincoln's Inn ad eundem 27 Feb., 1873 (elder son of James Horne, Esq., of Tillington, Petworth, Sussex); born , 1841.
- 3, Lake Terrace, Wandsworth Common, S.W.; 2, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Hornell, Robert, M.A., Exeter Coll., Oxon, 1864, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 22 Jan., 1862 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1864 (only son of late Robert Hornell, Esq., of Clapham, Surrey); born , 1840.
- Larkhill Rise, Clapham, S.W.; 5, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Horner, John Francis Fortescue, M.A., Balliol Coll., Oxon, 1873, went the Western circuit, J.P., D.L. Somerset, a student of the Inner Temple 19 Nov., 1864 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (eldest son of late Rev. John Stuart Hippisley Horner, of Mells Park, Somerset); born 28 Dec., 1842; married 18 Jan., 1883, Frances, dau. of William Graham, Esq., of the Inner Temple, bar.-at-law.
- Mells Park, Frome; Brooks' and United University Clubs.
Horridge, Thomas Gardner, a member of the Northern circuit, formerly a solicitor practising at Southport, co. Lanc., a student of the Middle Temple 7 Nov., 1881, called to the bar 25 June, 1884 (only son of late John Horridge, of Bolton, co. Lanc.); born , .
- Care of 65, Lansdowne Road, W.
Horrocks, Thomas, J.P. Cumberland, a student of the Inner Temple 14 Jan., 1845 (then aged 20), called to the bar 8 June, 1849 (only son of James Horrocks, late of Orrell Lodge, co. Lanc., dec.); born , ; married , 1848, Marianne, eldest dau. of Robert Hodgson, Esq., of Salkeld Hall, Cumberland, and has issue.
- Eden Browes, Carlisle.
Horsbrugh, Bethune, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Middle Temple 15 May, 1868, called to the bar 1 May, 1871 (3rd son of Bethune Horsbrugh, of Lochmalong, co. Fife, M.D.); born , .
- 12, Tavistock Road, W; Lonsdale Chambers, 27, Chancery Lane, W.C.