Falle, Bertram Godfrey, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Camb., 1883, a student of the Inner Temple 25 April, 1881 (then aged 21), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (only son of Julius George Falle, Esq., of St. Saviour's, Jersey); born , 1860.
Firminger, Ferdinand Leopold Martin, a student of Gray's Inn 4 Nov., 1882, Roman law studentship 2nd class Hilary term 1885, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (4th son of Edmund Henry Percy Firminger, of Ealing, Middlesex); born , .
Fraser, Allan Donail, a student of the Inner Temple 12 Jan., 1881 (then aged 26), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (youngest son of Rev. Colin Fraser, of Beaufort, West Cape Colony, South Africa); born , 1855.
Galton, Ewan Cameron, B.A., Clare Coll., Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 1 Nov., 1880 (then aged 24), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (only son of late Robert Cameron Galton, M.D., of Shelsey Grange, co. Worc.); born , 1861.
Garland, Charles Alexander Spencer, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Oxon, 1883, a student of the Inner Temple 26 April, 1881 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (only son of Edward Charles Garland, of Yeovil, Somerset, physician); born , 1861.
- Yeovil.
Roberts-Gawen, Charles Gawen, B.A., Magdalen Hall, Oxon, 1881, assumed the surname of Roberts-Gawen in lieu of his patronymic Borough, a student of the Inner Temple 18 Jan., 1882 (then aged 22), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (3rd son of John Charles Burton Borough, Esq., of Chetwynd Park, Newport, Salop); born , 1860.
- Chetwynd Park, Newport, Salop.
Gething, Herbert, B.A., Trin. Hall, Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 6 May, 1881 (then aged 24), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (only son of Edward Lyttelton Gething, of Upper Norwood, Surrey); born , 1857.
- Saltley Lodge, Dulwich Wood Park, Norwood, S.E.
Gibson, Ernest Augustine, B.A., LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 25 April, 1882 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (3rd son of Thomas Gibson, of Liverpool, accountant); born , 1862
- 1, East Road, Albert Park, Liverpool.
Gibson, Robinson Fooks, matric. Queen's Coll., Oxon, a student of the Middle Temple 19 Nov., 1881, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (elder son of Frederick George Gibson, of Sittingbourne, Kent, solicitor); born , .
- Sittingbourne.
Gill, Rockingham George, a student of the Inner Temple 12 Nov., 1881 (then aged 19), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (eldest son of Rockingham Gill, of London, solicitor); born , 1862.
- 47, Lexham Gardens, Kensington, W.
Glascodine, Charles Henry, a student of Gray's Inn 16 June, 1884, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (2nd and only surviving son of Richard Glascodine, of Swansea); born , .
- Swansea.
Goodman, Gerald Aubrey, matric. Univ. of London 1884 from Harrison Coll., Barbados, a student of the Middle Temple 25 Jan., 1882, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (2nd son of late Favius Augustus Goodman, of Sandford, Barbados); born , .
- 67, Oakley Square, N.W.
Green, James Samuel, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Oxon, 1883, a student of Lincoln's Inn 16 Jan., 1882 (then aged 21), Lincoln's Inn scholarship international and constitutional law 1884, called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (only son of James Richard Goring-Green, of London); born , 1861.
- 91, Oxford Terrace, Sussex Gardens, W.; 24, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Gruyther, Leslie de, a student of the Middle Temple 6 June, 1882, international law scholar , , studentship in Roman law , , lecture prize in Roman law , , called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (3rd son of William Henry de Gruyther, of Delhi, Punjab, dec.); born , .
- T04, Ledbury Road, W.
Hall, John Mainwaring, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1879, a student of the Inner Temple 27 June, 1878 (then aged 23), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (only son of Major John Thomas Stephenson Hall-Stephenson, of Somerton Court, Somerset); born , 1847.
- Somerton Court, Somerton, Somerset.
Hamid, Ali Khan, M.R.A.S., M.H.S., a student of the Middle Temple 8 Nov., 1880, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (eldest son of Mohmed Amjad, Ali Khan, of Amroha, Bengal, in Government service); born , .
Hammond, John, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1883, a student of Lincoln's Inn 12 June, 1880 (then aged 19), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (2nd son of James Hammond, of Arncliffe, Yorks); born , 1861.
- Arncliffe, Northallerton.
Hewitt, Capt. Percy Hughes, capt. on reserve of officers since 1880, late capt. 6th dragoon guards (carabiniers), a student of the Middle Temple 25 March, 1882 (then aged ), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (son of Hewitt, Esq.); born , .
- 4, Courtfield Road, S.W.
Hewson, Francis Thomas, assistant political agent Rajputna, Bengal C.S., a student of the Middle Temple 8 Nov., 1873, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (2nd son of Rev. Francis Hewson, of Dunganstown, co. Wicklow); born 9 Oct., 1852; married 26 Dec., 1878, Alice Jane, dau. of Genl. Robert Maclagan, R.E. (see Foster's Our Noble and Gentle Families).
- 4, Pelham Street, S.W., or care of Dunganstown, Wicklow.