Place, George William, B.A., LL.B. Dublin Univ., a student of the Middle Temple 10 Nov., 1873, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (eldest son of Charles G. Place, of Maryborough); born , .
- 49, York Road, Kingstown, Ireland.
Platt, Winfrid Alured Comyn, late of Hertford Coll., Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 19 June, 1882 (then aged 22), a Tancred law student 1882, called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (2nd son of Rev. Thomas Duodecimus Platt, vicar of Holy Trinity, Portsea); born , 1860.
Pollock, Ernest Murray, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 13 April, 1881 (then aged 19), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (4th son of George Frederick Pollock, Esq., of Hanworth, Middlesex, bar.-at-law); born 25 Nov., 1861 (see Foster's Peerage).
- Woodlawn, Hanworth, Feltham.
Pontifex, Dudley David, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1878, a student of the Inner Temple 11 April, 1878 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (4th son of Edmund Pontifex, of Bath, Somerset); born , 1855.
- Audley House, Bath.
Poole, Thomas Crisp, matric. Univ. Coll., London, 1882, a student of the Middle Temple 20 Oct., 1882, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (eldest surviving son of late John Poole, of London); born , .
Powell, George Herbert, B.A., King's Coll., Camb., 1879, a student of the Inner Temple 15 Nov., 1882 (then aged 26), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (2nd son of Rev. Edward Powell, late vicar of Bispham, Berks); born , 1856.
Prance, William Connell, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1882, a student of the Middle Temple 10 April, 1880, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (son of Courtenay Connell Prance, of Evesham, co. Worc., solicitor); born , .
- Evesham, co. Worc.
Prevost, Major Lewis de Teissier, major 2nd batt. Princess Louise's Sutherland and Argyll highlanders, graduate Staff Coll., Sandhurst, a student of the Middle Temple 1 Nov., 1881, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (eldest son of Capt. Lewis de Teissier Prevost, R.N.); born 1 Oct., 1844; married , (see Foster's Baronetage).
Probyn, Leslie, a student of the Middle Temple 17 April, 1882, called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (2nd surviving son of Edmund Probyn, of Huntley Manor, co. Glouc., late 6th dragoons, J.P., D.L., etc.); born , .
- Duke Street, St. James', S.W.
Quarrell, William Henry, B.A., Exeter Coll., Oxon, 1883, a student of Lincoln's Inn 15 March, 1881 (then aged 19), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (2nd son of Thomas Chance Quarrell, Esq., of Upper Wick, co. Worc.); born , 1862.
Ramaswami (Raju), P V, B.A. Madras, formerly inspector sea customs Madras, a student of the Inner Temple 4 Nov., 1882 (then aged 30), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (eldest son of P. V. Ramaswami, Government inspector of salt); born , 1852.
Renton, Alexander Wood, M.A. Edinburgh Univ. 1881, LL.B. 1885, Lord Rector's prize essay 1882, first prizes and 1st class honours in history, in public law, and in civil law, forensic prize Edinburgh Univ. 1884, a student of Gray's Inn 17 April, 1882, Bacon scholarship 1882, called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (son of Rev. John Renton, of Auchtermuchty, co. Fife); born 24 June, 1861.
- Auchtermuchty, co. Fife.
Richings, Alfred Richard Cornelius, B.A., Pembroke Coll., Camb., 1880, a student of the Inner Temple 27 Nov., 1881 (then aged 25), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (only son of Rev. Alfred Cornelius Richings, of Boxmoor, Herts); born , 1856.
- Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead.
Richmond, Thomas Henry, M.A., B.C.L., Christ Church, Oxon, 1884, M.A. London Univ. 1881, from Owen's Coll., Manchester, goes the Northern circuit, a student of Gray's Inn 31 Oct., 1882, Roman law studentship 1st class Hilary term, 1883, called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (elder son of Thomas Richmond, of Sunny Brow, Kendal); born , .
- 2, Mitre Court, Temple, E.C.
Rogers, Thomas Stanley, B.A., LL.B. Trin. Coll., Dublin, moderator in history, a student of Lincoln's Inn 4 May, 1882 (then aged 24), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (only son of Edward Stanley Rogers, late of Manchester, gent., dec.); born 18 Sept., 1859.
- 13, Harrington Road, South Kensington; 77, Albert Road, Southport.
Scott, Arthur Lionel, matric. St. John's Coll., Camb., a student of Lincoln's Inn 24 Jan., 1882 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 June, 1885 (5th son of Rev. Charles Scott, M.A., vicar of Chertsey, Surrey); born , 1859.
Sethna, Ardesis Kavasjee, matric. Bombay Univ., a student of the Middle Temple 17 April, 1882, called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (2nd son of Kavasji Pallanjee, of Bombay, merchant); born , .
- Bombay.
Seton, Robert George, B.A., New Coll., Oxon, 1883, from Eton 1874-9, a student of the Inner Temple 21 Nov., 1881 (then aged 20), called to the bar 29 April, 1885 (eldest son of Walter Scott Seton-Karr, Esq., of London, late Bengal civil service, retired); born 3 Dec., 1860.
- 67, Lowndes Square, S.W.
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