Mansfield, Hon. John William, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1883, from Wellington Coll., a member of the Northern circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 31 Dec, 1878, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1882 (2nd son of William, Lord Sandhurst, G.C.B., G.C.S.I., dec.); born 10 July, 1857, heir presumptive to the peerage.
- 3, Garden Court, or 5, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Junior Oxford and Cambridge Club.
Mansfield, Robert Blachford, B.A.
Univ. Coll., Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 March, 1845 (then aged 21), went to the Inner Temple 11 Dec, 1848, where he was called to the bar 26 Jan., 1849 (2nd son of late Rev. John Mansfield, rector of Rowner, Hants, and Patrington, Yorks); born , 1824; married 29 July, 1858, Sophia, dau. of late Lt.-Col. L'Estrange, of Moystown, Ireland.
- 74, Warwick Square, S.W.
Manson, Edward William Donoghue, B.A. (honours) Brasenose Coll., Oxon, from St. Paul's School, editor of Notanda, a student of the Middle Temple 27 April, 1876, called to the bar 18 Nov., 1878 (eldest son of late Frederick Robert Manson, of London, physician); born 1 Aug., 1849; married 29 Jan., 1880, Eliza Charlotte, widow of Rev. W. P. Manson, dau. of J. Percy, Esq., of Trinidad.
- Roselea, West Hill, Sydenham, S.E.; 1, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Mantell, Sir John Iles, stipendiary justice of the Manchester division co. palatine Lancaster since 1869, J. P. Lancashire, chief justice and judge of vice-admiralty court of the Gambia 1847-66, Queen's advocate Gambia 1841-7, knighted 9 Aug., 1867, a student of the Middle Temple 1 Nov., 1841, called to the bar 18 June, 1847 (eldest son of George Mantell, M.D., of Farringdon, Berks); born 1 Dec, 1813; married Jan., 1867, Elinor Knight, dau. of Charles Hitchcock, Esq., M. D., of Fiddington House, Devizes.
- Swinton Park, Manchester; Windham Club, S.W.
Le Marchant, Sir Henry Denis, Bart., M.A., Christ Church, Oxon, 1863, an Etonian, J. P. Surrey, went the Home circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 30 April, 1862 (then aged 23), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1865 (eldest son of Sir Denis Le Marchant, Bart.); born 15 Feb., 1839; married 7 Sept., 1869, Hon. Sophia Strutt, eldest dau. of Edward, Baron Belper, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Chobham Place, Bagshot, Surrey; West Leake House, Loughborough; 18, Pont Street, Belgrave Square, S.W.; 1, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Brooks' and City of London Clubs.
Marchant, James Robert Vernam, M.A. Wadham Coll., Oxon (B.A. 1876), a student of Gray's Inn 2 May, 1881, studentship Hilary, 1883, called to the bar 25 June, 1884 (2nd surviving son of Rev. Job Marchant, of London); born , .
- 128, Upper Kennington Lane, S.W.
Marcy, George Nichols, Incorporated Law Society's prizeman Jan., 1866, author of An Epitome of Conveyancing Statutes, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 Jan., 1867 (then aged 22), exhibition July, 1868, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1869 (eldest son of George Marcy, of Wellington, Salop, solicitor); born 27 Jan., 1844; married 8 Aug., 1871, Jane Helen Hutton, dau. of late Lt.-Col. John Wilson Coats, 6th Madras N.I.
- 114, Holland Road, Kensington, W.; 7, New Square, W.C.
Marett, Charles, F.R.G.S., M.A. (scholar), Trin. Coll., Camb., 1842, from Rugby, a member of the Council of Law Reporting since 1865, a student of the Inner Temple 3 June, 1839 (then aged 22), called to the bar 27 Jan., 1843 (eldest son of Charles Marett, Esq., of Southampton); born , 1817.
- 55, Chancery Lane, W.C.
Marjoribanks, Hon. Edward, M.P. co. Berwick since 1880, J.P. cos. Berwick and Inverness, matric. Christ Church, Oxon, from Harrow, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Jan., 1872 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1874 (eldest son of Dudley, 1st Lord Tweedmouth, bar.-at-law, of the Middle Temple); born 8 July, 1849; married 9 June, 1873, Lady Fanny Octavia Louisa Spencer-Churchill, 3rd dau. of John Winston, 7th duke of Marlborough, and has issue (see Foster's Peerage).
- 134, Piccadilly, W.; Turf, White's, Marlborough, New, and National Liberal Clubs.
Markby, William, M.A. Merton Coll., Oxon, D.C.L. 1879, fellow All Souls 1882, of Balliol Coll. 1883, reader on Indian law Oxford Univ. since 1878, member of Hebdomadal Council since 1882, puisne judge Calcutta 1866-78, author of Lectures on Indian Law and of Elements of Law, a student of the Inner Temple 9 Nov., 1853 (then aged 24), called to the bar 5 June, 1856 (4th son of Rev. William Henry Markby, rector of Duxford, co. Camb.); born 3 May, 1829; married 22 March, 1866, Lucy, eldest dau. of late J. E. Taylor, Esq., of Weybridge.
- Athenæum and Northbrook Indian Clubs.
Markwick, Edward, "political leader writer," has abandoned his patronymic Johnson a student of the Middle Temple 23 June, 1879, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1883 (only son of Edward Markwick Johnson, late of the royal navy, dec.); born , .
- 8, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet Street.
Marples, Benjamin Livingston, formerly a solicitor, a student of the Middle Temple 20 Jan., 1883, called to the bar 26 Jan. 1884 (2nd son of George Marples, Esq., of Brinkcliffe Tower, near Sheffield, Yorks, dec.) born , .
- Brinkcliffe Tower, Ecclesall, near Sheffield