Money, George Henry, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1847, a student of the Inner Temple 12 April, 1843 (then aged 23), called to the bar 20 Nov., 1846 (2nd son of George Money, Esq., of Whetham, near Calne, Wilts, sometime master in equity, accountant-general and keeper of the records in the supreme court of judicature Calcutta); born , 1820.
Money, William Bayley, practises before the High Court at Calcutta, a student of the Middle Temple 24 April, 1843, called to the bar 12 May, 1848 (eldest son of George Money, Esq., of Whetham House, Wilts, aforesaid); born , ; married 1st, , , Eleanor, dau. of Sir Edward Poore, Bart.; she died s.p. 2 July, 1873.
- Calcutta.
Monk, Charles James, M.P. Gloucester April to Aug., 1859, and since 1865, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1850 (Sir William Brown's medallist 1845), and member's prizeman 1846, 1847, from Eton, chancellor of the diocese of Gloucester 1859-84 and of Bristol 1855-84, J.P., D.L. co. Gloucester, president of Association of Chambers of Commerce of United Kingdom 1881-4, a student of Lincoln's Inn 21 Nov., 1845 (then aged 20), called to the bar 11 June, 1850 (only son of Rt. Rev. James Henry Monk, late lord bishop of Gloucester and Bristol); born , 1824; married , 1853, Julia, dau. of late P. Ralli, Esq., of London; she died , .
- Mersham Hatch, Ashford, Kent; 5, Buckingham Gate, S.W.; Travellers', Reform, Hurlingham, and Turf Clubs.
Monk Bretton, Baron (Rt. Hon. John George Dodson, P.C. 1872), of Conyboro and of Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, so created Nov., 1884, M.A., Christ Church, Oxon, 1850, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster 1882-4, M.P. East Sussex 1857-74, Chester 1874-80, Scarborough July, 1880, to Oct., 1884, J.P., D.L. Sussex, M.R.I., F.R.G.S., director of Rock Assurance Company, chairman of ways and means and deputy speaker House of Commons 1865-72, financial secretary of the treasury 1873-4, president of the Local Government Board 1880-2, a student of Lincoln's Inn 26 Jan., 1848 (then aged 22), called to the bar 6 June, 1853 (only son of Rt. Hon. Sir John Dodson, M.P., late dean of the arches and judge of the prerogative court of Canterbury, dec.); born 18 Oct., 1825; married 3 Jan., 1856, Florence, 2nd dau. of W. S. Campion, Esq., of Danny Park, Sussex, and has issue (see Foster's Peerage).
- Conyboro, Lewes, Sussex; 6, Seamore Place, Mayfair, W.; Brooks', Reform, Devonshire, University, Grosvenor, and Farmers' Clubs.
Monkhouse, Joseph Robert, B.A. St. Alban Hall, Oxon, a student of Lincoln's Inn 31 Oct., 1851 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1854 (eldest son of Cyril John Monkhouse, of London, gent.); born , 1828.
- Care of 31, Hamilton Gardens, St John's Wood, N.W.
Monnington, Walter, B.A. Worcester Coll., Oxon, a member of the Midland circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 23 Nov., 1871 (then aged 23), called to the bar 30 April, 1875 (3rd son of Rev. George Monnington, vicar of Bitteswell, co. Leic., 1844-81); born , 1848.
- 3, Hare Court, Temple, E.C.
Monro, Alexander, M.A. Oriel Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 6 May, 1871 (then aged 24), called to the bar 30 April, 1874 (eldest son of Henry Monro, of St. Servan, Brittany, France, gent., dec.); born , 1847; married 24 April, 1879, Elvalyn Agnes, only dau. of late A. Dingwall, Esq., advocate.
Monro, Charles Henry, M.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1860, fellow 1857, law lecturer, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 April, 1858 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1863 (2nd son of Cecil Monro, of Hadley, Middlesex, a registrar of the Court of Chancery); born 17 March, 1835 (see Foster's Baronetage, Munro).
- Hadley, Barnet, N.
Monro, Robert Webber, M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxon, B.A. 1861, a clerk in the House of Lords since 1869, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 May, 1860 (then aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1864 (only son of John Boscawen Monro, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law, dec.); born 28 March, 1838; married 2 June, 1870, Frances Mary, 2nd dau. of Duncan Davidson, of Tilliechetly, co. Aberdeen, and had issue (see Foster's Baronetage, Munro).
- 11, Kensington Gardens Terrace, W.; House of Lords, S.W.
Montague, Francis Charles, B.A., Oriel Coll., Oxon, 1883, B.A. London Univ. 1878 and a member of Convocation, a student of Lincoln's Inn 11 Nov., 1879 (then aged 21), called to the bar 6 June, 1883 (eldest son of Frank Montague, Esq., of Twickenham, Middlesex); born 31 Aug., 1858.
- Rosenau, St. Margaret's, Twickenham; 12, New Court, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Montefiore, John, educated at Harrow, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 8 April, 1880, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1883 (elder son of John Montefiore, of Streatham Hill, London) born , 1851.
- 10, Christ Church Road, Streatham Hill, S.W. Middle Temple Lane, E.C.
Montefiore, Joseph Gompertz, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 12 April, 1870, called to the bar 27 Jan., 1873 (youngest son of Jacob Montefiore, Esq., of Brighton); born , ; married at Wiesbaden 20 Aug., 1876, and at Paris 17 Sept, following, Eugenie, 2nd dau. of Surgeon-Major Gerald de Wilton, M.D., 29th Madras N.I., and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 2, Norfolk Road Villas, Bayswater, W.; 1, Cloisters, Temple, E.C.