Law, third edition, practised before the High Court at Calcutta, a student of the Inner Temple 11 June, 1864 (then aged 19), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (only son of Joseph Agabeg, of Calcutta); born , 1845; married 16 Nov., 1875, Edith Wynne, and has issue.
- Lamb Buildings, Temple, E.C.; 61, Boundary Road, N.W.
Agar, William Talbot, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1866, secretary to Institute of Backers since 1882, a student of Lincoln's Inn 26 Jan., 1865 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (eldest son of William Talbot Agar, Esq., of Lymington, Hants); born , 1844; mar. 20 Dec., 1871, Ethel Headington, youngest dau. of Clement Dale, Esq., of Bartley Lodge, New Forest, and has issue.
- St. Mary's Lodge, Weybridge; 11, Clement's Lane, E.C.
Agnew, Andrew Noel, LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1872, from Harrow, a member of the Northern circuit, J.P., D.L. Wigtownshire, a student of the Inner Temple 14 Nov., 1870, called to the bar 30 April, 1874 (eldest son of Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart., of Lochnaw, co. Wigtown); born 14 Aug., 1850 (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 7, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Agnew, William Thomas Fischer, recorder of Rangoon, British Burmah, author of A Treatise on the Statute of Frauds, Law and Practice of Letters Patent for Inventions, etc., a student of Lincoln's Inn 1 Nov., 1867 (then aged 20), called to the bar 10 June, 1870 (eldest son of Major-Genl. William Agnew); born 1847.
- Rangoon, British Burmah; 6, Belsize Park Gardens, N.W.
Agostini, Louis Edgar, matric. London Univ. June, 1870, educated at Stonyhurst and Downside, Bath, Colls., a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 Nov., 1871 (then aged 18), called to the bar 6 June, 1874 (3rd son of Simon Joseph Agostini, bar.-at-law Trinidad); born 1 Jan., 1853; married 30 Oct., 1882, Annie Felicia, dau. of José Polycarpo Zepero, of St. Joseph's.
- Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Agostini, Simon, practises before the supreme court of Trinidad, a student of the Middle Temple 22 Jan., 1829, called to the bar 9 June, 1837 (3rd son of Simon Agostini, Esq., of Trinidad); born , .
- Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Aherne, David Francis, practises before the supreme court of Victoria, a student of Lincoln's Inn 14 April, 1863 (then aged 17), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1866 (2nd son of Thos. Aherne, of Hobart Town, Tasmania, gentleman); born , 1846.
- Stawell, Victoria.
Ahsanuddin Ahmad, a Commoner of Balliol Coll., Oxon, 1880, a student of the Inner Temple 9 July, 1878 (then aged 18), called to the bar 11 May, 1881 (youngest son of late Nawab, Ameer Ali, Khan Bahadoor, of Calcutta, late member of Bengal Council, minister of H.M. King of Oude, M.C., J.P., and late president of National Mahommedan Association of Calcutta); born , 1860.
Aikin, Edward, M.A., Jesus Coll., Camb., 1859, a student of Lincoln's Inn 29 April, 1856 (then aged 23), called to the bar 30 April, 1859 (8th son of James Aikin, Esq., J.P. Liverpool); born , 1833.
- ( ? 80, Piccadilly, W.)
Ainslie, Ainslie Douglas, H.M.'s diplomatic service 1859–66, vice-lieut. co. Aberdeen, assumed in 1866 the name of Ainslie in lieu of Duff, a student of the Middle Temple 7 Nov., 1866, called to the bar 6 June, 1874 (2nd son of late James Cuninghame Grant Duff, Esq., of Eden, co. Aberdeen); born , 1838; married , 1863, Frances, dau. of Edward J. Morgan, Esq., and has issue.
- Delgaty Castle, Turriff, Aberdeenshire.
Ainslie, Ernest Henry, B.A. Pembroke Coll., Camb., 1875, junior optime in mathematical tripos 1879, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Inner Temple 23 June, 1879 (then aged 23), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1882 (eldest son of Rev. Henry Ainslie, vicar of St. Mary's, Windermere, Westmorland); born 7 June, 1856.
- 2, Stone Buildings; Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Ainslie, Montague Mordaunt, clerk (counsel to the Speaker and examiner of election recognizances) to House of Commons 186-–71, a student of Gray's Inn 22 Nov., 1845, called to the bar 20 Nov., 1850 (eldest son of Montague Ainslie, Esq., of Grizedale, Ambleside, Westmorland); born , .
- Hawkshead, Grizedale, Ambleside.
Ainslie, Oliver Alexander, matric. London Univ. 1851, F.R.H.S. 1879, member of Society of Arts 1882, a student of the Inner Temple 17 April, 1854 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1874 (only son of Rev. Robert Ainslie, of London); born 21 Dec., 1833.
- 48, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.
Ainsworth, David, LL.B., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1864, first in 1st class civil law tripos 1846–7, sometime of Rugby School, special pleader, major (hon. lieut.-col.) 4th Lancashire militia 1874–81, also late lieut.-col. commanding 1st volunteer batt. king's own (royal Lancaster regt.), J.P., D.L. co. Lanc., an income tax commissioner, a student of the Inner Temple 4 Nov., 1843 (then aged 20), called to the bar 8 June, 1849 (3rd son of Thos. Ainsworth, of Preston, Lancashire); born 21 Aug., 1823; mar. 28 June, 1860, Mary Jane Leigh, 2nd dau. of William Clare, late of Hindley House, co. Lanc.
- Broughton Hall, Grange, Cartmel.
Ainsworth, David, M.P. West Cumberland since April, 1880, J.P. Lancashire, J.P., D.L. Cumberland, educated at Univ. College School, London, Manchester New Coll., and matric. London Univ., 1861, a student of Lincoln's Inn 21 Nov., 1865 (then aged 23), called to the bar 10 June, 1870 (eldest son of Thomas Ainsworth, of the Flosh, Cumberland, merchant); born , 1842; married 16 Sept., 1874, Margaret, dau. of late Henry McConnel, Esq., of Cressbrook, co. Derby.
- Wray Castle, Ambleside; Cleator, Whitehaven.