Plumb, Thomas Street, B.A. Balliol Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 23 Nov., 1871 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1876 (eldest son of Josiah Burr Plumb, of Niagara, Canada, a member of the senate); born , 1850.
- Niagara, Canada.
Plummer, Charles, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1855, a student of Lincoln's Inn 28 Jan., 1852 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1854 (youngest son of Stephen Plummer, Esq., of Canterbury); born , 1831; married 13 Aug., 1859, Marion, youngest dau. of J. Francklin Rose, Esq., of London.
- 41, Victoria Street, S.W.; 21, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Plumptre, Charles John, lecturer on elocution King's Coll., London, evening classes department since 18‒‒, lecturer on professional elocution Oxford Univ. since 186‒, a student of Gray's Inn 23 May, 1838, called to the bar 5 June, 1844 (eldest son of Edward Hallows Plumptre, Esq., of Lamb Buildings, Temple); born 28 March, 1818; married 1st, March, 1844, Caroline, younger dau. and co-heir of late Robert Colmer, Esq., bar.-at-law, of the Rookery, Yoxford, Suffolk; she died , ; he married 2ndly, 24 Jan., 1866, Adelaide, widow of Robert Becher, Esq., of Wynaad, West Indies, dau. of Major James Denton, late R.H.A.
- King's College, Strand, W.C.; 36, Hamilton Terrace, N.W.
Plumptre, Claude Charles Molyneux, practises in Lord Mayor's Court, author of A Summary of the Law of Simple Contracts, editor of Grant's Law of Bankers, 4th edn., a student of the Middle Temple 17 Nov., 1874 (common law scholar Hilary, 1877), called to the bar 13 June, 1877 (youngest son of Charles John Plumptre, Esq., of London, bar.-at-law); born , ; married 9 Feb., 1882, Kate, youngest dau. of J. Lacey, late of Dawlish.
- 12, Norfolk Road, N.W.; 5, Hare Court, Temple, E.C.
Plumptre, Reginald Charles Edward, a member of the Oxford circuit, matric. King's Coll., London, from Marlborough Coll., a student of the Middle Temple 11 Jan., 1869, called to the bar 17 Nov., 1871 (eldest son of Charles John Plumptre, Esq., of London, bar.-at-law); born 24 Dec., 1848; married 8 Oct., 1878, Alice Piers, only child of Francis Henry Talman, Esq., D.C.L., late of Chelsea Hospital.
- The Brooklands, Allbrighton, near Wolverhampton; 82, Darlington Street, Wolverhampton.
Plunkett, Henry Frederick, principal of Dalston Coll., London, matric. Madras Univ., a student of Lincoln's Inn 30 May, 1872 (then aged 33), called to the bar 7 June, 1875 (eldest son of Henry Plunkett, Esq., of Madras); born 7 Nov., 1838; married 1 July, 1864, Esther, eldest dau. of Rev. Alfred Sturge, of Dartford, Kent.
- 27, Albion, Dalston, N.
Pochin, William John Reynolds, M.A., Sidney Sussex Coll., Camb., 1877, a student of Gray's Inn 11 Nov., 1879, called to the bar 18 April, 1883 (eldest son of Rev. William Henry Pochin, of Wornall, Oxon); born 8 Aug., 1850; unmarried.
- 5, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.; Junior Oxford and Cambridge Club, S.W.
Pocock, Isaac John Innes, B.A., Merton Coll., Oxon, 1842, J.P. Berks, a student of the Inner Temple 10 Jan., 1842 (then aged 22), called to the bar 19 Nov., 1847 (only son of late Isaac Pocock, Esq., of Ray Lodge, Maidenhead); born 28 July, 1819; married 4 April, 1850, Anna Louisa, 2nd dau. of late Benjamin Currey, Esq.
- Curtisfield, Maidenhead; Arthur's Club.
Pocock, William Archbutt, a member of the South-eastern circuit, matric. London Univ. 1866, author of Principles of the Law of Costs under the Judicature Acts, a student of the Middle Temple 9 Nov., 1866, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1870 (eldest son of William Willmer Pocock, of Uplands, Guildford, Surrey, architect); born , ; married 24 Aug., 1870, Katharine Mary, dau. of late R. A. Pieil, of Boxgrove, Guildford.
- 2, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.
Pode, John Duke, M.A., New Coll., Oxon, 1857, from Winchester Coll., J.P. Devon, a student of the Inner Temple 5 May, 1855 (then aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1858 (eldest son of Thomas Julian Pode, Esq., late of Plympton, Devon, dec.); born 6 Nov., 1832; married 30 Aug., 1860, Augusta Boevey, youngest dau. of late Rev. Charles Crawley, and has issue (see Foster's Baronetage).
- Slade, Ivybridge.
Pogose, Gregory Joakim, matric. Queen's Coll., Oxon, practises before the High Court at Calcutta, a student of the Inner Temple 13 Jan., 1866 (then aged 19), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1868 (eldest son of Joakim Gregory Nicholas Pogose, of Dacca, Bengal); born, 1847.
- Calcutta
Pogose, Joakim Nicholas, practises before the High Court at Calcutta, a student of the Inner Temple 25 Oct., 1878 (then aged 23), called to the bar 29 June, 1881 (3rd son of late Nicholas Peter Pogose, of Dacca, Bengal); born , 1855.
- Calcutta.
Le Poigneur, Ivanoff, a student of the Inner Temple 7 Nov., 1861 (then aged 19), called to the bar 6 June, 1864 (eldest son of Voloy Le Poigneur, of Mauritius, sugar planter); born , 1842.
- The Mauritius.