Priestley, Henry, B.A. London Univ (class honours), of Bengal civil service 1865-74, assistant commissioner Punjab 1866, translated Haiat-i-Afghani from Hindustani into English, a student of the Middle Temple 12 April, 1871, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1875 (3rd son of Rev. Joshua Priestley, of Wrexham, co. Denbigh); born 18 Oct., 1842; married 8 Dec., 1879, Lucy, dau. of Sampson Behrens, of Manchester.
- 6, Trouville Road, Clapham Park, S.W.; East India United Service Club, S.W.
Pring, (Hon.) Ratcliffe, puisne judge of supreme court of Queensland since 1880, attorney-general 186—-70, minister of justice 1879-80, a student of the Inner Temple 19 Nov., 1845 (then aged 20), called to the bar 8 June, 1849 (2nd son of Thomas E. Pring, of Crediton, Devon, solicitor); born , 1825.
- Brisbane, Queensland.
Pringle, Sir George, knighted 30 Nov., 1882, secretary and steward to the manors of ecclesiastical commissioners since 1871, assistant secretary 1856-71, matric. London Univ. 1847 from St. Edmund's, Ware, a student of the Middle Temple 24 April, 1850, called to the bar 26 Jan., 1853 (eldest son of George Pringle, of Holloway, Middlesex, gent., dec.); born 20 Aug., 1825.
- 12, Hereford Gardens, W.; 10, Whitehall Place, S.W.; Athenæum and Windham Clubs.
Prior, Henry Lawrence, B.A. Exeter Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 17 Jan., 1879 (then aged 27), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1882 (2nd son of late Rev. John Lawrence Prior, rector of Horton, Bucks); born , 1852.
- 8, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Prior, Herman Ludolphus, M.A. Trin. Coll., Oxon, by incorporation from Trin. Hall, Camb., 1870, author of Precedents in Conveyancing, a student of Lincoln's Inn 2 Nov., 1846 (then aged 28), called to the bar 29 Jan., 1850 (youngest son of John Prior, Esq., late of Clapham, Surrey); born , 1818; married 1st, 27 April, 1852, Catherine, youngest dau. of John A. Lethbridge, of Greenwich Hospital; she died , ; he married 2ndly, 14 June, 1856, Elizabeth, only dau. of late Admiral Philip P. King, of Sydney, New South Wales.
- Ivy Cottage, Snaresbrook, E.
Prior, John Templer, B.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1865, a student of Lincoln's Inn 19 Jan., 1863 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1866 (eldest son of John Venn Prior, Esq., late of Hatcham, Surrey, bar.-at-law, dec.); born 27 Aug., 1841; married 30 March, 1869, Louisa, 2nd surviving dau. of Arthur Lang, Esq., of Harrow-on-the-Hill.
- The Red House, Harrow; 9, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Prior, Thomas Young, a student of the Middle Temple 16 April, 1836, called to the bar 7 June, 1839 (3rd son of Rev. Thomas Prior, of Trin. Coll., Dublin); born , ; married 28 June, 1843, Jane Matilda, only surviving dau. of late Rev. Robert Russell, D.D., of Ashbrook, Fermanagh.
- Clifton, co. Galway
Pritchard, John, M.P. Bridgnorth in four parliaments, 1853-68, J.P., D.L. Salop, a student of Lincoln's Inn 2 June, 1836 (then aged 39), called to the bar 11 June, 1841 (2nd son of John Pritchard, of Broseley, Salop, gent.); born 24 Sept., 1796; married March, 1845, Jane, dau. of George Osborne Gordon, Esq.
- Stanmore, Worlfield, Bridgnorth.
Pritchard, John Charles, a member of the Western circuit, practises before the supreme court at Madras, a student of the Middle Temple 2 Nov., 1869, called to the bar 6 June, 1872 (4th son of Thomas Pritchard, of Madras); born , .
- Madras.
Pritchard, Robert Albion, D.C.L. Lincoln Coll., Oxon, a member of the Northern circuit, law reporter for the Incorporated Council in Probate Division of the High Court, author of A Digest of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes and joint author of Digest of Law and Practice of High Court of Admiralty, a student of the Inner Temple 23 Jan., 1852 (then aged 24), called to the bar 30 April, 1855 (7th son of late William Pritchard, Esq., of Doctors' Commons, London); born , 1828.
- Higham, near Colchester; 6, Hotham Villas, Putney, S.W.; 3, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.
Pritchard, Robert Henry, B.A., Univ. Coll., Oxon, 1882, a student of the Inner Temple 15 Jan., 1880 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1884 (eldest son of Robert Albion Pritchard, of the Middle Temple, bar.-at-law); born , 1859.
- 6, Hotham Villas, Putney, S.W.
Pritchett, John Suckling, M.A., Balliol Coll., Oxon, 1880, B.A. 1877, 1st class final mathematical school, a member of the Midland circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 4 May, 1877 (then aged 22), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1881 (eldest son of John Suckling Pritchett, of King's Norton, co. Worc.); born 8 Jan., 1855.
- King's Norton, Birmingham; 15, Waterloo Street, Birmingham; Conservative Club, Birmingham.
Procter, Christopher William Cecil, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1880, a student of Lincoln's Inn 6 Jan., 1873 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1876 (2nd son of Christopher Procter, of Lincoln's Inn Fields, solicitor); born , 1854; married 1 April, 1884, Blanche Annette, eldest dau. of Alfred Maples Jeaffreson, of Bridewell Royal Hospital.
- 106, King Henry's Road, South Hampstead, N.W.; 25, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Procter, Frederick Townsend, a student of Lincoln's Inn 23 Jan., 1862 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1865 (4th son of Edward Procter, Esq., of Macclesfield); born , 1843.
- 15, Clarendon Road, W.; 22, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. W.C.