Sheil, James, magistrate for Hammersmith and Wandsworth police courts since 1879, formerly a revising barrister on Northern circuit, educated at Trin. Coll., Dublin, a student of Gray's Inn 6 May, 1848, called to the bar 7 June, 1852, bencher 19 April, 1884 (eldest son of James Shell, of Dublin, Q.C.); born 2 July, 1829.
- 7, Crown Office Row, Temple, E.C.; Garrick, Windham, and Union Clubs.
Sheild, Charles Swann, B.A., St. John's Coll., Camb., 1875, from Uppingham School, a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 June, 1872 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1877 (youngest son of William Sheild, of Uppingham, Rutland, solicitor); born 19 Oct., 1852; married 1 Dec., 1881, Fanny, dau. of Julian F. Edwards, Esq., of Maltby, Yorks.
- 2, Tavistock Road, W.; 32, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C.
Sheldon, William Robert, B.A., Lincoln Coll., Oxon, 1880, a student of Lincoln's Inn 8 Nov., 1878 (then aged 21), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1882 (eldest son of Rev. John Sheldon, of Handsworth, co. Stafford); born , 1857.
- 13, Cambridge Street, Hyde Park, W.; 2, Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Shelverton, Herbert Marlow, matric. London Univ. 1875 from King's Coll., London, practises before the High Court at Allahabad, etc., a student of the Inner Temple 19 Oct., 1876 (then aged 19), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1879 only son of Charles John Shelverton, of Simla, India, retired list uncovenanted service); born , 1857.
- Allahabad, North-west Provinces India.
Smith-Shenstone, Frederick, M.A. (fellow), St. John's Coll., Oxon, 1850, from Rugby, hon. major Queen's own Worcestershire yeomanry cavalry, captain 1882-3, J.P., D.L. co. Staff., J.P. cos. Sussex and Worc., assumed the additional surname of Shenstone, a student of the Middle Temple 23 Jan., 1844, called to the bar 11 June, 1847 (2nd son of Richard Smith, Esq., of Priory, near Dudley, co. Worc.); born , ; married , 1873, Augusta Emma Grace, eldest dau. of Capt. Hambley Knapp, late 5th fusiliers, and has issue.
- Sutton Hall, Barcombe, Lewes; Oxford and Cambridge Club, S.W.
Shephard, Horatio Hale, puisne judge Calcutta since , sometime Government pleader Madras, M.A. Balliol Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 15 April, 1863 (then aged 20), called to the bar 18 Nov., 1867 (2nd son of John Shephard, Esq., of Milton Place, Egham, Surrey); born , 1843.
- Calcutta.
Shephard, Stuart, LL.M., Corpus Christi Coll., Camb., 1879, B.A. 1876, a member of the South-eastern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 April, 1875 (then aged 23), called to the bar 25 June, 1879 (eldest son of Mark Shephard, of London, solicitor); born , 1852.
- 61, Carey Street, W.C
Shepheard, Wallwyn Poyer Burnett, M.A., Jesus Coll., Camb., 1873 (fellow commoner 1867), a student of Lincoln's Inn 5 Nov., 1867 (then aged 27), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1871 (only son of George Wallwyn Shepheard, late of London, artist, dec.); born , 1840.
- 18, Taviton Street, Gordon Square, W.C.; 24, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Shepherd, Francis Waller, B.A. Wadham Coll., Oxon, a student of the Inner Temple 30 Oct., 1863 (then aged 24), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1867 (eldest son of Henry Shepherd, Esq., of Dover); born , 1839.
- 2, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, W.C.
Sheppard, George Horton, matric. London Univ. 1874, undergrad. Clare Coll., Camb., 1876, a student of Gray's Inn 29 Jan., 1876, called to the bar 18 Nov., 1878 (4th son of late John Horton Sheppard, of Towcester, Northants); born , ; married 11 Oct., 1879, Blanch Alice, dau. of George S. Thunder, Esq., R.N.
- Towcester.
Shera, Henry, matric. London Univ. 1872, practises before the supreme court at Auckland, a student of Lincoln's Inn 6 Nov., 1873 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1879 (4th son of John Shera, of Cootehill, co. Cavan, merchant); born , 1853.
- Auckland, New Zealand.
Sherbrooke, Viscount (Robert Lowe), of Sherbrooke, Surrey, so created 25 May, 1880, P.C., hon. D.C.L. Oxon 1870, of the council at Sydney, New South Wales, 1843-50, member of Legislative Council Sydney 1848-50, joint secretary Board of Control England 1852-5, vice-president Board of Trade 1855-8, of council 1859-64, chancellor of the exchequer 1868-73, home secretary 1873-4, M.P. Kidderminster 1852-9, Calne 1859-68, London Univ. 1868-80, member of senate London Univ., a trustee of the British Museum, J.P. Surrey, practised at Australian bar 18—, B.A., Univ. Coll., Oxon, 1833, from Winchester, M.A. (fellow) Magdalen 1836, a student of Lincoln's Inn 1 May, 1835 (then aged 23), called to the bar 28 Jan., 1842 (2nd son of Rev. Robert Lowe, of Bingham, Notts); born 4 Dec., 1811; married 26 March, 1836, Georgiana, 2nd dau. of George Orred, Esq., of Tranmere, Cheshire, and Aigburth Hall, co. Lanc.; she died 3 Nov., 1884 (see Foster's Peerage).
- Sherbrooke, Caterham, Redhill; 86, Brook Street, W.; Reform Club, S.W.
Sheridan, Henry Brinsley, F.R.G.S., M.P. Dudley since 1857, J.P. Middlesex, Westminster, Kent, etc., capt. 6th Cinque Port artillery volunteer corps 1861-5, knight of St. John of Jerusalem, F.R.G.S., a student of the Inner Temple 18 Feb., 1852 (then aged 31), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1856 (eldest son of late Garret Sheridan, Esq., of London); born , 1820; married , 1850, Elizabeth Frances, dau. of Rev. John Wood, and has issue.
- Oaklands, St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet; 6, Colville Gardens, Kensington, W.; 5, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.; Devonshire, Whitehall, and National Liberal Clubs.