Staffurth, Henry, LL.M., Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 1874, a member of the Northern circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 7 Nov., 1868 (then aged 22), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1872 (3rd son of William Staffurth, Esq., of Ramsey, Hunts); born , 1846.
- 5, St. James' Square, Manchester; 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.
Stainton, John Prout, M.A. Christ Church, Oxon, B.A. 1878, a student of Lincoln's Inn 11 Jan., 1875 (then aged 20), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1884 (elder son of Nathaniel Stainton, late of Lincoln's Inn, bar.-at-law, dec.); born , 1855.
- 20, Great Cumberland Place, W.
Stallard, Arthur Dudley, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1884, a student of the Inner Temple 11 Oct., 1880 (then aged 22), called to the bar 6 June, 1883 (eldest son of Frederick Stallard, Esq., bar.-at-law); born 18 June, 1858.
- Hope Woolith, Lewisham Hill, Kent; 40, Chancery Lane, W.C.
Stallard, Frederick, M.A., Trin. Coll., Camb., 1853, equity draftsman and conveyancer, a student of the Middle Temple 30 Oct., 1848, called to the bar 7 May, 1852 (6th son of William Stallard, of the Blanquettes, co. Worcester, gent.); born 23 Oct., 1828; married 12 April, 1855, Emblyn Eliza, only child of late Richard Bird, of Calcutta, solicitor, and has issue.
- Hope Woolith, Lewisham Hill, Kent; 40, Chancery Lane, W.C.
Stallard, George, LL.B., Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 1878, matric. London Univ. 1879, a member of the Oxford circuit, a student of the Inner Temple 24 April, 1876 (then aged 20), called to the bar 7 May, 1879 (5th son of Josiah Stallard, of the Blanquettes, co. Worc.); born , 1856.
- The Blanquettes, Claines, Worcester; 1. Pump Court, Temple, E.C.
Stammers, Joseph, went the Northern circuit, a student of Gray's Inn 20 Feb., 1828, called to the bar 1 May, 1833 (2nd son of Joseph Stammers, late of Pentlow, Essex, gent., dec.); born , .
Stancomb, John Fredrick, M.A., Caius Coll., Camb., 1871, a member of the Western circuit, J.P. Wilts, a student of the Inner Temple 13 Jan., 1870 (then aged 22), called to the bar 30 April, 1873 (only son of John Perkins Stancomb, Esq., J.P., of Tunbridge Wells); born , 1847; married 4 June, 1874, Ellen Catherine Baron, 3rd dau. of late Henry O'Reilly Hoey, Esq., of Knuzden, co. Lanc.
- Shaw House, near Melksham.
Standring, Alfred, M.A., LL.M., Jesus Coll., Camb., 1884, B.A., L.L.B. 1880, educated at Owens Coll., Manchester, and Edinburgh Univ., a student of the Inner Temple 3 Nov., 1877 (then aged 19), called to the bar 26 Jan., 1882 (2nd son of John Standring, late of Bowdon, Cheshire, dec.); born 19 Feb., 1858; married 25 Feb., 1880, Elizabeth Howard, youngest dau. of John Isitt, of Manningham, Yorks.
- Beech House, Knutsford, Cheshire.
Stanfield, Alfred William, J.P., a member of the North-eastern circuit, a student of the Middle Temple 15 May, 1877, called to the bar 21 April, 1880 (2nd son of John Stanfield, Esq., of Wakefield, Yorks, dec.); born , .
- 8, Fig Tree Court, Temple, E.C.
Stanger, Henry Yorke, B.A. (scholar), Lincoln Coll., Oxon, 1873, a member of the Midland circuit, a student of Lincoln's Inn 10 June, 1871, Tancred law student, called to the bar 6 June, 1874 (3rd son of George Eaton Stanger, of Nottingham, surgeon); born , ; married 8 June, 1880, Henrietta Sophia, 2nd surviving dau. of Rev. J. W. Green, M.A., rector of March.
- 3, Cobden Chambers, Pelham Street, Nottingham; 4, Essex Court, Temple, E.C.
Stanhope, Hon. Edward, M.P. Mid Lincolnshire since 1874, M.A., All Souls' Coll., Oxon, 1865 (fellow 1862), from Harrow, secretary to the Board of Trade 1875-8, under-secretary of state for India 1878-80, J.P. co. Lincoln, trustee of National Portrait Gallery, a student of Lincoln's Inn 25 Jan., 1862, went to the Inner Temple 20 April, 1865 (then aged 24); where he was called to the bar 1 May, 1865 (2nd son of Philip Henry, Sth Earl Stanhope); born 24 Sept., 1840; married 18 May, 1870, Lucy Constance, dau. of late Rev. Thomas Egerton (see Foster's Peerage).
- Revesby Abbey, Boston; 23, Eccleston Square, S.W.; Athenæum, Carlton, Empire, and St. James' Clubs, S.W.
Stanhope, Baron (Edwyn Francis Scudamore-Stanhope), B.A., Brasenose Coll., Oxon, 1877, an Etonian, J.P., D.L. Herefordshire, capt. 4th batt. the King's Shropshire light infantry since 1880, a student of the Inner Temple 17 Nov., 1874 (then aged 20), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1880 (eldest son of Henry Edwyn Chandos, 9th earl of Chesterfield); born 5 March, 1854 (see Foster's Peerage).
- Holme Lacey, Hereford; 19a, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, W.; White's, Brooks', and Bachelors' Clubs.
Stanley, Hon. Edward Lyulph, M.P. Oldham since 1880, M.A. (late fellow), Balliol Coll., Oxon, 1863, from Eton, a member of School Board for Marylebone since 1876, a member of the Northern circuit and of Friendly Societies Commission 1872, heir presumptive to Lord Stanley, a student of the Inner Temple 22 April, 1861 (then aged 21), called to the bar 17 Nov., 1865 (3rd son of Edward John, 2nd Baron Stanley of Alderley); born 16 May, 1839; married 6 Feb., 1873, Mary, dau. of Isaac Lowthian Bell, Esq., M.P., of Rownton Grange, Yorkshire, and has issue (see Foster's Peerage).
- Easthorpe, Malton; 82, Harley Street, W.; 1, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Reform and National Liberal Clubs.