♦• THG + DESCEIQfP + OB •<>-
OBlooD IRo^al
Edward I., crowned i9=j=Margaiet(2nH. wife), dtiu.
Aug. 1274, b. >7june, 1239,
d. 7 July, 1307
Edmund, of Woodstock,=
b. there 5 Aug. 1301, cr.
Earl of Kent 1321, beheaded
of Philip III. of France,
m. 8 Sept. 1299, d. 14 Feb.
-Margaret, dau. of John, Lord Wake of Liddell, d. 21 May, 1349.
SirThomasHolland K.G.,=j=Joan, " Faii-=j=Edward the
Earl of Kent, d. 28 Dec.
1360 (1st husband).
Maid of Kent," I Black Prince
d. 8July, 1385. f2ndhusbd.).
Thomas Kcllnjnd,=
2nd Earl of Kent,
d. 25 April, 1397.
Alice, 2nd dan. of Richd.
FitzAlan, K.G., 9th Earl
of Arundel ; she died 17
March, 141 7.
Richd. 11.
Margaret. 3rd d. of Thomas,=f=Sir John Beaufort, Earl of
and sister and co-heir of
Edmund Holland, Earl of
Kent (she re-m. to Thomas,
Duke of Clarence, 2nd son
Henry IV.), d.31 Dec. 1440.
Somerset and Marquis of
Dorset, so cr. 1397, d. 21
April, 1410.
Edmund, Duke of Somerset,=Eleanor, 2nd d. and co-h.
so cr. 31 March 1449, slain I of Richard Beauchamp,
at the first battle of St. Earl of Warwick, d. 12
.\lb&ns, 22 May 1455. I March 1467.
James Butler, Earl Ormonde and=Eleanor, =Sir Robert Spencer,
Wiltshire. K.G., beheaded at co-h. of I of Spencer Combe,
Newcastle i May 1461 s.p. her | Devon, lent.
Katharine = Henry Percy, 5th
Earl of Northum-
Margaret = Thomas Gary, of
I Chilton Folliott,
I Wilts, esq.
SirJohnCary, ofPIashyand=Joyce, widow of Willi.im
of Thremhall Priory, Essex,
knt., bd. at Hunsdon, 8
Sept. 1551.
Walsingham (father of Sir
Francis), and 5th dau. of Sir
Edmund Denny, knt., baron
of the exchequer, her w.d.
/I^io Nov. 1560.
continued aiave.
W-VN ^-Xr^N X.^
cf (ZBnglanD.
ctmiinuedj'rom behnu. Sir John Cary.^uyce Walsingham.
Sir Edward Cary. of Alden-;
ham and Great Berkhamp-
slead, Herts, and of llunslet,
Yorks., knt., d. 18 July
- Catherine, dau. of Sir Henry
Knyyett, of Buckenhani, Nolfolk, knt., and widow o( Henry, 2nd Lord Paget, d. I 20 Dec. 1622.
Anne (6th dau.), bapt. lo^Sir Francis Leke, of Sutton,
Aug., 1585, m. 16 Sept.
CO. Derby, knt. and bart.,
cr. Baron Deincourt 1624
and Earl of Scarsdale 1645,
d. 9 Apl. 1655.
Anne, eldest dau. and in her=Henry Hildyard, of Wine-
issue co-h. of her nephew,
Nicholas, 4th Earl of Scars-
dale, bapt. at Newark, 18
Aug. 1614.
stead, Yorks., and East
Horsley, Surrey, chamber-
lain of the exchetiuer, b. 26
Jan. i6og, d. Jan., 1674.
Henry Hildyard, of Wine-=Dorothy, 1st wife, dau. of
stead, and after of Kelstern,
CO. Line, b. 2 July 1637,
d. in 1705.
Thomas Grantham, of
Gollho, CO. Line, esq., IxL
at Wiuestead I Nov. 1667.
I '
Christopher Hildyard, of=Jane, dnu. of George Pitt,, Kelstern, d. 28 Aug. 17 19, | of Strathfieldsaye, Hants bd. at K. I Sept. aged 51. (royal descent).
I '
Dorothy, m. at North Cock-^George Clayton, of Grims-
erington 30 Jan. 1719, she
bd. at Gt. Grimsby 5 March
1781, aged 80, having re-m.
to Ralph Tennyson.of Grims-
by, attorney (see pedigree).
by, a Baltic merchant.
Elizabeth Clayton. 5th child:
(and only one to have issue),
b. 30 Dec. 1725, d. 6Jan.,
George Tennyson, M.P., of;
Bayons Manor and Usselby
Hall. CO. Line, b. 7 Feb.
1749-50. d 4 July 1835. M.I.
- =Michael Tennyson, of Pres-
ton, CO. York, and if Slain- fon, CO. Line, bapt. at Barton St. Peter, 20 Sept. 1 72 1, d. 6 Oct. 1796, M.I.
zMary, d. and eventual heir of John Turner, esq., of Caistor, co. Line, m. 1775, d. 20 .Aug. 1825, aged 72.
George Clayton Tenny-=Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Charles Tennyson-D'Eyn-^Frances Mary, only child
son, rector of Benniworth
vicar of Grimsby, &c.,
bapt. at Market Rasen,
10 Dec. 1778, d. 16
March, 1831.
Stephen Fytche, of
Louth, m. 6 Aug. 1805,
d. 21 Feb. 1865.
court, P. C, M.P., of Bayons
Manor and Usselby Hall,
CO. Line, J.P., D.L , bapt.
at M.R. 20 July 1784, d.^,26 Jan. 1878
21 July 1864. See p. 25.
.^nd heir of Rev. John
Hutton, of Morion, co.
Line, m. i Jan. 1808, d.
Frederick Tenny-=Maria Caro-
son, of Gt. Grims-
by, CO. Line, b.
5 June, 1807.
lina, dau. of
Signor Giu-
lotti, of Siena.
Alfred, Lord
T ennyson,
poet laureate,
b. 1809.
- Emily Sarah,
dau. and co-h. of Hy. Sell- wood, Esq.
Arthur, Tennyson,
m. twice, b. 25 SepL
s.p. 1819.
Horatio =Charlotte(lstwf.),
dau. ofC.npt.D. C.
Cary-Elwes, d. 31
Oct. 1868.
Hon. Hallam Tennyson, m. Hon. Lionel, m. s Feb. 1878,
i'S June, 1884, Audrey, only Eleanor Bei tha Mary, only
CRU. of C. J. Boyle, Esq. child of F. Locker, Esq. =
Bert: am. Charles Percy.
Cecilia Mary, m. 2 June,
1878, to Rev. Richard Wm.
Massey Pope, M.A.
— I Other issue,
see p. 23.
"1 — I
El-^anor. Violet.
Alfred. Cnarles. Michael.
^ Alf cash subscribers for Vols.^^ and II., price 6 guineas, can have their royal descent set out in chart form
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